What has happened to our Country?

joe soapy

might have bin the magnet that woke me up, but could ha bin the nightmares i gettin after seth grabded me midnight tother night,
he hadent a stitch on, frightened the hell out o me. then i seen how he was last in the q wen the equiment aere handed out and i bust out laughing.
tell e what though, suprised me how strong a grip he ad, you think he spent his days hand milking.
cops seemed to make nowt of it, i laughed so much it set me chest off, they called the ambulance out, after a hour er so the little maid sed youll be ok now
u nowt as bad as last time, her was funny, i shouted in to missus to get the kettle on, her said you cant order people round like that,
so i said her bloke aint got you trained very well, so i asked her, how long u bin married?
her said 5 years an he left me. well i said i done 50, an you telling me i got it wrong. lovely little maid too, i woudda soon trained her up to be half usefull

joe soapy

Back to the original topic, this pretty much sums up what is wrong with this country:

did i tell e bout the bodmin chap.
my usual crim lawyer couldnt make it thursday, he was tied up in bodmin court, fer a bail hearing fer a loverly chap on tempted murder charge.
judge kept he on remand in case he hurt somebody, soon after dinner pat rung me, said his client was in hospital the warders had beat he so bad


Livestock Farmer
its nothing todo with scapegoating of ethnic groups, the whole point of me starting this thread is to say what double standards exiist? why should we obay the law of the land if others do as they please without prosecution ?

There is nothing to stop you from becoming a muslim.

joe soapy

thinking of bodmin jail, last time i was there they had pic of me looking through the bars on the front page nex morning.
the time before with sister, when us got home her nearly killed ed because he enjoyed it so much

during cornwall show week they would ship extra staff in to cope we all the reps,
u tink i joking, just ask, mike, e tell ee
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Seriously you need to leave the hills and visit a few cities like the rest of do, go in to any shopping centre people of all religions and colour will be interacting in pure harmony.

I bet you have a foreign tractor which is filled with Saudi diesel and you sell your sheep to Asian buyers via Longtown, which are exported to French Arabs.


Seriously you need to leave the hills and visit a few cities like the rest of do, go in to any shopping centre people of all religions and colour will be interacting in pure harmony.

I bet you have a foreign tractor which is filled with Saudi diesel and you sell your sheep to Asian buyers via Longtown, which are exported to French Arabs.
You seriously need to learn to read and and read whats written not what you want to read into it too suit your own agenda.


You seriously need to learn to read and and read whats written not what you want to read into it too suit your own agenda.

I have read your posts for months, you are obsessed with your lover Mr Robinson. You regularly quote that all immigrants are child abusers, thieves etc (like we don't have any of our own).

Please could I kindly suggest that you and Mr Robinson book your honeymoon in a far eastern country, so you can see first hand how civilised us Brits are abroad. Google Garry Glitter it may be of assistance.

When you walk past the bars with Mr Robinson all loved up, you will see hundreds of Brits holding hands with young girls and boys at 1am, don't worry its fine, they are accompanying them to school! well that's what one told my wife, when she confronted an old bald fat ex miner from Barnsley, whilst on holiday there.

Maybe these immigrants should behave like we do when visiting Ibiza etc, get drunk stoned and sha9 in the street before broadcasting it on Snapchat?

Sometimes one has to take a look in to the foreign made tractor or Indian owned Landrover mirror, whilst it purrs on Saudi diesel, before criticising others.


I have read your posts for months, you are obsessed with your lover Mr Robinson. You regularly quote that all immigrants are child abusers, thieves etc (like we don't have any of our own).

Please could I kindly suggest that you and Mr Robinson book your honeymoon in a far eastern country, so you can see first hand how civilised us Brits are abroad. Google Garry Glitter it may be of assistance.

When you walk past the bars with Mr Robinson all loved up, you will see hundreds of Brits holding hands with young girls and boys at 1am, don't worry its fine, they are accompanying them to school! well that's what one told my wife, when she confronted an old bald fat ex miner from Barnsley, whilst on holiday there.

Maybe these immigrants should behave like we do when visiting Ibiza etc, get drunk stoned and sha9 in the street before broadcasting it on Snapchat?

Sometimes one has to take a look in the foreign made tractor or Indian owned Landrover mirror, whilst it purrs on Saudi diesel, before criticising others.
You obviously have reading difficulties, their are huge problems with immigrants but they are not all bad some are very good the ones that contribute, same problems with home grown people as well all need same treatment.


The fact we have problems with our own people is more reason not to let any more immigrants who do not contribute to the system into the uk ! because the system ie police nhs etc etc is at breaking point.


I have read your posts for months, you are obsessed with your lover Mr Robinson. You regularly quote that all immigrants are child abusers, thieves etc (like we don't have any of our own).

Please could I kindly suggest that you and Mr Robinson book your honeymoon in a far eastern country, so you can see first hand how civilised us Brits are abroad. Google Garry Glitter it may be of assistance.

When you walk past the bars with Mr Robinson all loved up, you will see hundreds of Brits holding hands with young girls and boys at 1am, don't worry its fine, they are accompanying them to school! well that's what one told my wife, when she confronted an old bald fat ex miner from Barnsley, whilst on holiday there.

Maybe these immigrants should behave like we do when visiting Ibiza etc, get drunk stoned and sha9 in the street before broadcasting it on Snapchat?

Sometimes one has to take a look in to the foreign made tractor or Indian owned Landrover mirror, whilst it purrs on Saudi diesel, before criticising others.
I think people like you who want lots of immigrants in the uk should put them up and look after them until they integrate into the local community.


The fact we have problems with our own people is more reason not to let any more immigrants who do not contribute to the system into the uk ! because the system ie police nhs etc etc is at breaking point.

My wife is a GP without foreign doctors this country would be f**k3d, she wants to move to Canada if we didn't have family and assets here, we would have moved years ago like thousands of others.


My wife is a GP without foreign doctors this country would be fudge3d, she wants to move to Canada if we didn't have family and assets here, we would have moved years ago like thousands of others.
I have said repeatedly i do not have a problem with immigrants who come to the uk to contribute and fit in to our society , WHICH BIT OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?


My wife is a GP without foreign doctors this country would be fudge3d, she wants to move to Canada if we didn't have family and assets here, we would have moved years ago like thousands of others.
You could easily sell uk assets , and by the way problems with immigrants in Canada as well, all uk people i know who went to Canada want back and cant get back as its to dear here for them now.


I think people like you who want lots of immigrants in the uk should put them up and look after them until they integrate into the local community.

Its nothing personal and I apologise if it comes across like that, but we are not in 1970 the whole world has changed.

Once upon a time my attitude was similar to yours. However, I have a wife who enjoys to travel so I get dragged along and by seeing the world it has opened my eyes. Go to Muslim countries and even they have changed, there is free flowing alcohol, pork, nightclubs topless beaches etc, It's not just our country that has changed.

Still Farming

Mixed Farmer
South Wales UK
Its nothing personal and I apologise if it comes across like that, but we are not in 1970 the whole world has changed.

Once upon a time my attitude was similar to yours. However, I have a wife who enjoys to travel so I get dragged along and by seeing the world it has opened my eyes. Go to Muslim countries and even they have changed, there is free flowing alcohol, pork, nightclubs topless beaches etc, It's not just our country that has changed.
Missed out bombings and warfare and dictatorship bits also .

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

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Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...