Red tractor stakeholder survey on governance


Livestock Farmer
Ah yeh never thought of it that way. Why should he know anymore than you or I if its truly independant.
I keep saying it: The review is a smokescreen to permit time for the retail consortium to rebrand the greening module. They need our enviromental wealth to allow them continued profiteering from plastic packaged processed food pollution

Beyond unbelievable that Tom Bradshaw posts evidence of the corruption. Don't know whether it's utter contempt for the farming industry, or utter incompetence? Or both?

I am flabbergasted by the utter arrogance and total contempt being exhibited by our supposed industry representative


Livestock Farmer
I too am wondering about the source of this survey. Aside from the very amateur questionnaire construction, Christmas hols timing of it there is a couple of things that don't read right in the info. introduction, highlighted below.


Arable Farmer
I keep saying it: The review is a smokescreen to permit time for the retail consortium to rebrand the greening module. They need our enviromental wealth to allow them continued profiteering from plastic packaged processed food pollution

Beyond unbelievable that Tom Bradshaw posts evidence of the corruption. Don't know whether it's utter contempt for the farming industry, or utter incompetence? Or both?

I am flabbergasted by the utter arrogance and total contempt being exhibited by our supposed industry representative
My green credentials are not for sale or bribe. I'm happy to be a green credential free of charge to our rural community, who might, hopefully will respect it, but not to a retail consortium.


Livestock Farmer
I too am wondering about the source of this survey. Aside from the very amateur questionnaire construction, Christmas hols timing of it there is a couple of things that don't read right in the info. introduction, highlighted below.
View attachment 1156207
Like you, I'm skeptical that such a badly constructed survey could be valid

Yet Tom Bradshaw, NFU deputy chairman, has authenticated it by publicly posted his knowledge that it was supposed to only be completed by a limited group of RT supporters

Goes beyond sleazy


Mixed Farmer
Think its real, bradshaws response confirms it, it seems. Its very shoddy tho
But why would he know anything about it. The NFU are paying CT to go and review RT governance INDEPENDENTLY. I daresay TB would have been sent a link to this online questionnaire, but why would he know who it had or hadn’t been sent to if the review is independent?


Arable Farmer
I too am wondering about the source of this survey. Aside from the very amateur questionnaire construction, Christmas hols timing of it there is a couple of things that don't read right in the info. introduction, highlighted below.
View attachment 1156207
Bit fishy, maybe someone dropped us a trump card by disclosing it at risk of their job. The email address is active and correct though and I'd encourage using it


Sir Gar / Carms
Hmm... let's do a bit of thinking about this, let's pretend that with regards to a certain industry an organisation exists, we'll call it 'Blue Lorry'. And let's imagine that there are people involved in the running of Blue Lorry, and associated to the running of it, who have a financial interest in its continued existence, and who have personally 'committed' to it to such an extent that they'll look pretty daft if any serious problems are found regarding it.

Now, just for fun let's suppose that, for various reasons, Blue Lorry comes in for a bit of flack from interested but awkward parties, and it's decided that a 'consultation' is needed to validate it and show how it really is a good and useful thing. And, for a miracle, the people organising the consultation decide that the group most likely to offer the desired result will be...? :unsure:


Livestock Farmer
But why would he know anything about it. The NFU are paying CT to go and review RT governance INDEPENDENTLY. I daresay TB would have been sent a link to this online questionnaire, but why would he know who it had or hadn’t been sent to if the review is independent?
Because it's not independent

It's a smokescreen

Supermarkets need to decimate British agriculture to meet their WWF basket enviromental commitments

How many shares in supermarket companies do the NFU own?


Livestock Farmer
Bit fishy, maybe someone dropped us a trump card by disclosing it at risk of their job. The email address is active and correct though and I'd encourage using it
I've also their website - particularly the governance section and looked at the profiles of their senior team . 🤔 :scratchhead:
I really am puzzled. An organisation that seems to specialise in housing association governance gets to handle such an important review for a complete national industry sector.
I only have one question - WHY?



Arable Farmer
Hmm... let's do a bit of thinking about this, let's pretend that with regards to a certain industry an organisation exists, we'll call it 'Blue Lorry'. And let's imagine that there are people involved in the running of Blue Lorry, and associated to the running of it, who have a financial interest in its continued existence, and who have personally 'committed' to it to such an extent that they'll look pretty daft if any serious problems are found regarding it.

Now, just for fun let's suppose that, for various reasons, Blue Lorry comes in for a bit of flack from interested but awkward parties, and it's decided that a 'consultation' is needed to validate it and show how it really is a good and useful thing. And, for a miracle, the people organising the consultation decide that the group most likely to offer the desired result will be...? :unsure:
John Deere, its got to be John Deere, another monopoly... finally I understand you

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 244
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...