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Farm TV

Graintab TV - Trader Chats - Harvest Progress, Blending, Premiums Outlook & Brexit

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In this video we discuss harvest progress, tips for blending, premiums potential for wheat and barley and Brexit risk.

Video link - https://graintab.com/graintab-tv/


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Quite a story, well worth a watch.

Vintage Tractor Collection

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Hi, Guys Please check out my new video

Graintab TV - Understand your grain contracts

2020 Harvest is finished, finally. Time to get the rapeseed in the ground

Iowa Farm Damage

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The Millenial Farm, who has a Youtube channel, travels south into Iowa to see the severe damage to crops and farm buildings.

Probably one of the best farm video reports I have seen.

Shallow ploughing with an ovlac mini

Perfect way to check the stock / crops.

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I want one... a lot... now... :cool:

Preparing the combine for rapeseed

Big kit light hearted videos by Mike Mitchell Saskatchewan farmer!!!!

Claas tera trac

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How long have these been out? I’ve only just seen them

Baling Straw 2020

3 kiln Last House

Graintab TV - New Grain Sampling Sytem

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For more video's visit Graintab TV

Covid – 19 has put a stop to many processes we are used to. Within the Grain trade, the sampling of farm grain has been directly affected. In this video, Fred South and Richard Whitlock, discuss the changes and give advice to growers who have questions around the subject. Topics covered are:

• Why are merchants no longer going to sample my grain?
• Is there any guidance for me on good sampling?
• Where can farmers have their samples tested?
• Will this procedure revert to merchant’s staff doing the sampling when Coronavirus is over?
• How will farmers know their sampling is accurate?
• Will farmers have more claims or rejections now?
• Should farmers...

Field to grain store

Making Hay can be fun! Another FarmerTorque video - brought to you by Acres insurance Brokers

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Cameras in the air and on the ground as hay is being made at our farm in Devon, The weather was distinctly catchy with threatening thunder clouds never far away. Hugo the Great Dane seemed to have it all under control :)

Your turn Clive

CEAT Tyre Webinar on Demand

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All CEAT tyres will shortly be listed on Farm Marketplace so all the questions about prices will be answered then.

'Drill for yield' EIP-AGRI project - using drone data to predict optimal seed rates

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Since 2017, ADAS Crop Physiologist Sarah Kendall, Manterra Ltd., and Southwell & Knapton Farm in Yorkshire have been working on an EIP-AGRI funded project called 'Drill for Yield'. We are trying to understand if drone data can be used to predict shoot number and ultimately used as the basis for variable seed rate maps. Here is our summary of how the project is going ☺

Historical Church Kent
