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  1. Agriland RSS

    CAFRE: Wet spring weather causes crop protection challenge

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) advisors are confirming that the wet weather during much of March and April has made crop protection challenging. As a consequence, crops are under pressure, providing ideal conditions for...
  2. CPM RSS

    Playing catch up?

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF A late season and favourable pest and disease conditions may make 2023 a challenging potato season. CPM gathers some sage advice on blight and virus control. By Lucy de la Pasture The wettest March for 40-years and regular showers...
  3. Clive

    Potato Famine ?

    Usually loads of potatoes around these parts but hard to spot a single field this year ? I guess the economics don't stack up vs sales price so areas reduced ? The next supermarket shortage ?
  4. D

    Cornish new potatoes

    Went to LIFTON FARM SHOP today,new potatoes 76 pence per 100grams ! £7600 per tonne, mrs Devonboy asked me if i wanted any for tea,guess my answer, it was 2 words. (n)
  5. TFF

    Top tips for late blight control

    Before the blight season starts, assess how well your herbicide spray has worked as this can indicate any errors in sprayer set-up, advises Andrew Goodinson, potato agronomist at crop production specialists Hutchinsons._ “Most importantly, section control must be set up accurately to cover the...
  6. TFF

    Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

    Late blight disease caused by Phytophthora infestans. - Photo: Misset WUR researcher Daniel Moñino-López made a breakthrough in fighting late bligh disease. With the gene editing technology CRISPR/Cas, he made potato plants resistant to late blight disease caused by Phytophthora infestans...
  7. BSPB

    Sustainable Potato Growing

    Hotter, drier climatic conditions and concerns over emerging pest and disease threats present challenges to potato growers throughout the UK. However, Director of Cygnet PB, Alistair Redpath explains that there is significant investment in breeding that should provide optimism for growers...
  8. muleman


    Long range forecast saying potentially wetter for the start of May. Are we going to see a repeat of 2012 where it rained all summer making silage/hay making nigh on impossible. The trouble is 2012 we had a very dry march april and may, this time a very wet march and april so setting off already...
  9. TFF

    The humble potato is a marvel – but science can still improve it 2023-04-10

    Tatties, taters, spuds - whatever you call potatoes probably reflects your cultural and geographical background. Since first introduced to the world from South America, they have lifted millions of our predecessors out of food poverty and fuelled the industrial revolution. The loss of the potato...
  10. thepffa

    The People's Food & Farming Alliance

    The People’s Food & Farming Alliance (PFFA) has been formed, by a small group of volunteers, predominantly, to assist local communities in growing and producing food products to counter any incoming food shortages, and future crop production. We aim to increase UK citizen involvement in...
  11. TFF

    IPM Decisions platform updated with more Decision Support Systems for the summer season

    On 27 March 2023, the IPM Decisions platform was updated with even more Decision Support Systems (DSS) for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The IPM Decisions platform is a “one stop shop” for decision support in IPM. It contains DSS for major pests, weeds and diseases in a variety of crops...
  12. News

    New irradiance sensor improves irrigation management

    A new irradiation sensor will enable all arable and vegetable producers to manage their irrigation, fieldwork and disease protection more precisely, helping to curb costs and boost productivity. The low-cost system operates with exceptional accuracy, large reach and is user-friendly. Sencrop’s...
  13. Agriland RSS

    Rural group slams PETA’s call for plant-based Royal Highland Show

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The Countryside Alliance has slammed People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for encouraging the Royal Highland Show to only promote plant-based produce. It called it an attempt to “ravage personal freedom”. The Royal Highland Show...
  14. D

    What do you sell Derek Hughes?

    I used to think Derrick used TFF for blatent advertising. But over the years I've become really interested in his business, such a range. I do admit to been a minor competetor. So far I've read about a wide range of fodder & bedding, fodder beet, grass & fodder seeds, salt for stock & road...
  15. Clive

    The Good Life

    AKA true self sufficiency - is it actuality posible in the UK today in 2023 ? anyone know of anyone truly living a self sufficient (food and energy) lifestyle ? I reckon energy / transport is easier than ever with solar, wind , battery tech and ev's but could food be done ...
  16. TFF

    Farmer-Led Research To Dig Into Perks Of Compost 2023-03-20

    Growers and researchers have joined forces to add scientific rigour to the art of compost making in a bid to improve yields, soil, and plant health. It is widely accepted that compost can help capture carbon, retain nutrients, and reduce the dependence on bought-in fertiliser by improving the...
  17. Agriland RSS

    Future-use options for fungicides on wheat and barley

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The future use options for fungicides in cereal crops was discussed in detail at a workshop held in Co. Down earlier this week. The event was hosted by the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Both the main speakers in attendance...
  18. Defra Farming

    Grants available in 2023

    Grants available in 2023 Written by The Team Sarah Stewart In 2023, more than £168m of funding will be available through a variety of grants. We’ve shared quite a few blog posts on grants recently. To make it easier for you to see what’s available and plan, we’ll give you a roundup of...
  19. Bury the Trash

    Genuine Question.

    How can growing wheat in (any way) in our relevant agricultural context be "regenerative" ? 🤪 emoji added for a little bit of colour .
  20. Agriland RSS

    Derbyshire Police’s off-road bikes to help tackle ‘rural problems’

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Derbyshire Police is set to get new off-road bikes to help them tackle “rural problems” like machinery theft, trespassing and poaching. The new off-road motorcycles are unmarked, but are fitted with lights and sirens. They will also be available...