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  1. Zippy768

    Osr Autumn management

    So have managed to establish a decent (ish) osr. First time for about 4 years. What is the current thoughts on Autumn treatment. Had no pre-em just volunteers removed. Combine swaths a little thinner than the rest (only 17ft header), in betweens looking strong. Agron is starting to talk pgr...
  2. Dave W

    Why do McConnell……..

    Make their pins out of cheese. No it’s not my machine and yes it’s been greased Bushes are like new
  3. benny6910

    Is this seed sample good enough?

    What are your thoughts on the cleaning job on this new seed bought from a national supplier. Personally if they cannot clean the caff out what other seeds may I be drilling.

    Grain/seed cleaning options

    What options are there for cleaning seed for our own use, we would be looking to clean 20 to 25 ton a year of wheat barley oats and beans. We grow everything for a feed and although we aim to have clean crops sometimes end up with an odd wild oat or a bit of sterile brome in the sample which we...
  5. puma power

    Wheat direct drilled into OSR stubble SLIGS!!!

    First year with Claydon. Currently running carrier shallow ahead of drill to disturb slugs. This what we do with Rapid also, feels like spent a lot on a drill for no big advantage!! how do people control slugs in this scenario? I don’t want to start blanket applying pellets priori to drilling...
  6. Overby

    Lively direct drilling conversation

    2 of my neighbours were having a 'lively' chat in the boozer last night. A subject that's come up many times in the past, but seems to never get old. They farm at the end of our village , literally over the hedge from each other. One has gone the direct drill option, 4 years in. The other as...
  7. H

    Weed control via cultivation

    What level of percentage control does something like a disc get on chitted stubbles? we’ve got some grass weed fields that have greened up nicely but we won’t drill till mid October onwards so do I glyphosate now and then again pre drilling or do we disc now to kill the growth (does it though...
  8. TFF

    Direct drilling into heavy clays is a battle still to be won

    Eight years of trials with cover crops and direct drilling has prompted more questions than answers. The soil advisers at Agrii like to remind me that there is more to direct drilling than simply placing the seed into uncultivated ground. “You have to earn the right,” they tell me in reference...
  9. Pilatus

    The heaviest / most difficult soils to farm in the Uk?

    I ask the above as during my farming life I have only been associated with Cotswold brash. I was therefore wondering what it must be like farming soils that are very unforgiving and difficult to farm, Have any of you that farm very heavy structureless soils made Direct Driling/ Zero til work for...
  10. Bayer CropScience

    The Aclonifen Effect

    Three different modes of action for highly effective grass-weed control. Tackling grass-weeds like no other, herbicides Liberator and Proclus work together in one tank mix with three modes of action to protect your winter wheat and barley yield against black-grass, ryegrass, brome and a host of...
  11. WillYorkshire

    DD / Strip till

    I remain baffled as to why more farmers aren't adopting less power consuming options for establishment of their crops. If output can be maintained then why not? It really does slash fuel, machinery and labour costs and, in our case, not had any impact on yield. Having said that, we considered...
  12. Anymulewilldo

    Confessions of the Sheep/Beef Cattle/Pig Addicts

    This is a thread for those who feel guilty about cluttering up dear old GUTH’s beloved price tracker with the chit chat that stop us all being that miserable our families would throw us all out to sit with the dog in the porch. All are welcome, you can even post prices if you want. The only rule...
  13. S

    CNH Combines

    Are New Holland and Case combines slipping a long way behind Claas, John Deere and Fendt/MF Ideal combines see Claas have announced new models and and new cabs on the Lexions
  14. T

    straw rake

    thought that we might try a straw rake on some stubbles to get a chit of weed seeds, what is the going rate for this cultivation
  15. curlietailz

    When did you last see arable farmers ripping out hedges and trees

    Just read an article in The Economist which said …”~ Ben Raskin, head of horticulture at the Soil Association, a charity, says that when arable farms rip out trees and hedges to maximise profits, they take away natural sources of protection against soil erosion.~” British farmers face up to the...
  16. Spotty Dog

    Sterile brome chit

    Am i right in thinking Sterile Brome seed needs a light cultivation/stale seedbed to chit but Great Brome and Soft Brome need to lie on the surface undisturbed ? I have some wheat stubbles that had brome in the crop and i want a good chit before i sow barley. The straw is baled and i was going...
  17. D

    New Holland cx740 blocking sieves

    Concave 700 10mm Top sieve 12 bot 7 Fan 750 3.5k with 17ft cut. Is it too fast? Or not enough wind/too open Or even over threshing Getting about middle on the returns Sieve losses not much then jump massive when blocked. No walker losses.
  18. P

    Mzuri Drills

    Whats peoples thoughts on Mzuri drills, there is a six meter one available for sale. Just curious to know why would they change them at 3 seasons? Are they a step towards notill? Are they built well to last? Thanks
  19. SpottedFlycatcher

    GS4 herbal ley establishment options

    Hi all, I'm a newbie to crop establishment, especially in these conditions (weather, costs etc) and would appreciate some advice. We are in W Northants on clay/loam. We aim to establish 30 ha of GS4 (ryegrass, Timothy, other grasses, clover, trefoil, other legumes and flowers) this autumn...
  20. Razor8

    Seed mix

    Looking for recommendations for a seed mix Will be direct drilled in shallow soil, on a outfarm that will be set stocked with sheep something that works well in shoulders of year that doesn’t need loads of fertilizer ph good & index 4 for p & k although I’m doubting these results & believe...