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yellow rust

  1. Brisel

    Second wheat varieties

    As a distraction to the soggy non existent spring drilling programme, I'm looking ahead to the autumn and want to reduce my spring cropping area, currently about 1/3 of the farm thanks to blackgrass. Winter barley for feed isn't really any good for blackgrass control in terms of herbicide...
  2. Will 1594

    T 0

    started today on some good wheat on silt
  3. ajd132

    SY Cheer Grp 1

    Any thoughts on this new group 1? Anyone been growing it?
  4. CPM RSS

    Adapting disease management: Proactive T1 planning

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Adaptability in a T1 programme can help to set growers up for unpredictability in weather and disease pressures. CPM explores fungicide options and approaches as we move into the spring. By Melanie Jenkins Boots on the ground indicate...
  5. CPM RSS

    Adapting disease management: Proactive T1 planning

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Adaptability in a T1 programme can help to set growers up for unpredictability in weather and disease pressures. CPM explores fungicide options and approaches as we move into the spring. By Melanie Jenkins Boots on the ground indicate...
  6. CPM RSS

    Cereal disease control: Input versus output

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With no letup in weather conditions, questions continue to be raised regarding balancing fungicide spend with crop yield potential. CPM spoke to four independent agronomists for their take on the situation. By Janine Adamson If there...
  7. CPM RSS

    Product in focus: In a class of its own

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As Revystar XE enters its fifth season of use, CPM takes a deep dive into the active ingredients in it to understand the journey so far and the science behind the product’s consistent performance. By Janine Adamson Launching a new plant...
  8. Syngenta UK

    Readjust management for backward wheat crops in 2024

    Arable farmers facing late-drilled and stunted winter wheat crops after the waterlogged start to the season may need to readjust certain aspects of how these are managed compared with crops in a more normal season, says Syngenta UK head of technical, David King, including cereal disease...
  9. CPM RSS

    Adapting disease management: Targeting T0

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Establishment is a critical period of any season, but it’s been a challenging time to get crops drilled, so what does this mean for T0 applications? CPM explores the diseases likely to be most problematic this spring and how to manage...
  10. CPM RSS

    Cereal Disease Control: No one right answer

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Given the highly variable field conditions across the country, devising an effective spring fungicide programme may feel like an insurmountable feat. Although it’s difficult to predict impending disease pressure with so many unknowns, CPM...
  11. Bayer CropScience

    Unmatched broad-spectrum disease control

    Iblon: a groundbreaking new active substance that delivers unrivalled broad-spectrum disease control. A limitation of most fungicides is that they tend to be limited in their spectrum of activity. Iblon overcomes this limitation to deliver unrivalled broad-spectrum control. This means growers...
  12. Agriland RSS

    Rust disease in winter wheat – what to watch out for in 2024

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Last year was more of a septoria year than a yellow rust year for winter wheat but what could 2024 bring? According to the UK’s Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) winter wheat yellow and brown rust pathogen populations can be...
  13. Agriland RSS

    Growers urged to readjust management for backward wheat crops in 2024

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Growers are being urged by Syngenta to readjust certain aspects of how winter wheat crops are managed. The agricultural technology company said this is because arable farmers are facing late planted and stunted winter wheat crops after the...
  14. CPM RSS

    Innovation Insight: Grand slam

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Achieving the highest yielding variety of the year is a bit like topping the music charts of the plant breeding world, but what does it take to do this across four different crops? CPM takes a closer look at this year’s headline varieties...
  15. CPM RSS

    AHDB Recommended List: Ring the changes

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It’s that time of year again – Christmas is fast approaching and therefore AHDB releases the latest iteration of its Recommended List for cereals and oilseeds. CPM reviews the changes including a BYDV-tolerant six-row hybrid winter barley...
  16. Agriland RSS

    New Syngenta winter cereal varieties added to AHDB Recommended Lists

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Two new winter cereal varieties from breeder Syngenta have been added to the latest Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Recommended Lists for 2024/25. Both are winter cereal varieties, with one being winter wheat and one being...
  17. CPM RSS

    Limagrain varieties top the RL

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine For a second year running, Limagrain’s winter wheat LG Beowulf and winter barley LG Caravelle, are the highest yielding varieties to join the AHDB Recommended List. LG Armada also takes lead position as the highest yielding oilseed rape variety on the...
  18. CPM RSS

    Milestone varieties from Syngenta

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine Two new milestone winter cereal varieties from Syngenta have been added to the latest AHDB Recommended Lists for 2024-25. SY Cheer New on the winter wheat RL is the Syngenta quality wheat, SY Cheer. Rated as a provisional UKFM (UK Flour Millers)...
  19. CPM RSS

    RL and DL highlights from Senova

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine A new soft milling Group 3 winter wheat for the North and two new spring barley varieties with potential for malting have been added to the AHDB Recommended List 2024/25 from Senova. Winter wheat Almara, which comes onto the RL with a recommendation...
  20. Danieljack1991

    Late sowing winter wheat varieties

    What Winter Wheat varieties out there have people sown late, talking February into March. Skyfall etc ?