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Finding the right balance of nutrients to bring optimal results in every cropping situation is a daunting task. CPM gets an insight into Agrii’s tailored approach to crop nutrition and the vast array of trials data that underpins it. If you’re not measuring the final result you can’t manage the process that got it here. By Tom Allen-Stevens The plot combine makes its steady way through the trials at Bishop Burton near Beverley, E Yorks, and Jim Carswell looks on – it’s an anxious moment for him as the culmination of a year’s worth of work is gathered in, carefully measured and the outcome from each plot segregated for further analysis. He breaks off an ear, rubs it open and takes a look at what lies in his hand. As Agrii’s northern R&D manager and technical lead on its tailored nutrition programme, it’s not the plumpness nor ripeness of the grains that interests him, however. “If growers were to do one thing that could make a palpable difference to how they manage their crops, it would probably be grain nutrient analysis,” he remarks. “What lies in these kernels tells the story of what the plant has been through since…
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