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Download PDF With oilseed rape facing a challenging autumn, every aspect of its establishment must be optimised, says Openfield, from variety information to the dressing that nurtures the seed. CPM reports on trials commissioned to ensure this. Finding the right variety is like finding the right partner, and it’s the personality you’re after. By Tom Allen-Stevens At a time when so much in life has turned upside down, finding the new normal in how you select seed for this autumn’s crop will be a challenge in itself. For Lee Bennett of Openfield, this makes it all the more important that growers get it right. “When you’re selling seed, you’re influencing someone’s livelihood – it’s a decision that dictates how the rest of the season will run. So it’s a responsibility we take very seriously,” he says. However, growers won’t have had the chance to visit trial plot open days this season and there won’t be a Cereals event to review the latest offerings. “This is the year that web-based tools such as Openfield’s Seed Selector will come into its own – it doesn’t just give you all the numbers with the ability to tailor the selection to your situation. It…
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