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Record values for oilseed rape this spring must provoke a bittersweet response for many growers. But doing the little things could make the crop a big earner on farm again. CPM seeks advice. I’m optimistic that we’ve seen the low mark in total area grown. By Mike Abram As oilseed rape prices broke record after record in May, it would be understandable if more growers had had another look at the crop for the coming season – either to increase area or bring it back into the rotation. Those forward prices of over £400/t mean there isn’t much to rival oilseed rape as a break crop for gross margin on paper, assuming they stick, notes Philip Crowther, head of inputs at Openfield. Any increase in oilseed rape area this autumn is dependent on a favourable weather window around establishment, says Philip Crowther. Unfortunately, land isn’t farmed on paper, and in the field the cabbage stem flea beetle challenges, and those of establishment in general remain, he stresses. Generally though, the current season has been a bit more positive for the crop in the field, as well as in the trading market. While there are still some poor crops, many…
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