I know this will be a controversial thread with the lime suppliers but ................ ( I'm posting for a sense check)
After a bit of testing we have a few fileds where i need to lift pH by 1 point (5.5 - 6.5) I priced up some top quality Derbyshire ground limestone at £28/t delivered - its nv55 and applictaion rate would be 8-9t /ha to achive the 1 point pH change = £238/ha .......... thats a rather scary number
Calcifert lime application rate to achieve the same 1 point ph change is 600kgs /ha - its £151/t. = £ 90.60/ha
No application included in either costs as we can do VRA bulk or prilled ourselves
This cost difference is a shocker frankly ? what am I missing ? If paying for bulk application the gap would be even greater I know some don't believe that lower rates of finer product can achieve the same as a bulk but my experience of using it to maintain ph and supply Ca or Mg using low rates in crop (circa 100kgs /ha). seem to suggest it does what it claims. ? I would be Interested to hear from others that have used the product
@Cab-over Pete i know you wont like this thread or think i'm maybe baiting you but I assure that's not the intention, I'm posting this to both sense check the decisson i 'm making right now and try to understand why )on the face of it). the bulk product seems so much more expensive when TBH I thought it would have been the cheaper option ?
After a bit of testing we have a few fileds where i need to lift pH by 1 point (5.5 - 6.5) I priced up some top quality Derbyshire ground limestone at £28/t delivered - its nv55 and applictaion rate would be 8-9t /ha to achive the 1 point pH change = £238/ha .......... thats a rather scary number
Calcifert lime application rate to achieve the same 1 point ph change is 600kgs /ha - its £151/t. = £ 90.60/ha
No application included in either costs as we can do VRA bulk or prilled ourselves
This cost difference is a shocker frankly ? what am I missing ? If paying for bulk application the gap would be even greater I know some don't believe that lower rates of finer product can achieve the same as a bulk but my experience of using it to maintain ph and supply Ca or Mg using low rates in crop (circa 100kgs /ha). seem to suggest it does what it claims. ? I would be Interested to hear from others that have used the product
@Cab-over Pete i know you wont like this thread or think i'm maybe baiting you but I assure that's not the intention, I'm posting this to both sense check the decisson i 'm making right now and try to understand why )on the face of it). the bulk product seems so much more expensive when TBH I thought it would have been the cheaper option ?