OK today I spent all day on a mini digger trying to locate a supply pipe which used to come onto our fields from the neighbouring farm as it has sprung a leak. Buggered if I can find it. I see where it is showing at an old trough site, now removed, filled in and seeded, as it has caused a sink hole and its as wet as you like.
I have dug around the area down to the depth of the digger arm about 5 foot. No luck.
How do you divine and can anyone have success at it with the right gear? Thought if I could intercept it before the boggy area I might succeed. Advice pls.
Many thanks.
I have dug around the area down to the depth of the digger arm about 5 foot. No luck.
How do you divine and can anyone have success at it with the right gear? Thought if I could intercept it before the boggy area I might succeed. Advice pls.
Many thanks.