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Download PDF The rapid development of crop monitor and drone technology is helping farmers across the globe make better precision decisions. CPM takes a look at what’s new. It’s especially important in this current COVID world, where agronomists and farmers aren’t necessarily able to meet face-to-face. By Charlotte Cunningham The driver behind most technological developments is to create something that makes day-to-day jobs and processes easier or more efficient. This has certainly been the case for ag tech, with innovation helping us to do everything from variable rate applications, to even sowing crops autonomously. When it comes to crop monitors and drone technology, rapid development and uptake is no doubt aiding better decision making for both growers and agronomists. That said, knowing what to invest in can seem like a bit of a minefield, so to help growers get a better understanding of the options available, CPM has picked out some of the most recent launches and updates. Omnia Hutchinsons’ digital farming platform, Omnia, has recently launched a new version of the Omnia Scout app in a bid to make it easier for growers and agronomists to share crop walking information and update field records remotely. According to the firm,…
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