Hi all,
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who completed the survey regarding audits a few months ago. Your input is greatly appreciated. I wanted to follow up and provide more information on the project—where it stands now and where it's headed.
To start, some context might help you understand why a 23-year-old is so interested in farm audits, perhaps one of the most demoralising and dull processes on the planet. It began just two days after finishing school, when I was tasked with managing the audits on the farm (Red Tractor, LEAF, QMS, M&S). I was chuffed; I didn’t expect Dad to give me such a massive responsibility so soon after leaving school. Four years later, I am certain I would have done the same in Dad’s shoes. Despite feeling slightly conned, I don't blame him for passing on this particular responsibility. In fact, I felt sorry for him when I left last October for some work experience, knowing the shock he’d face with the updated standards since he last completed a Red Tractor, QMS, SQC, or LEAF audit.
This shock was evident recently, as I watched Dad’s face when an auditor asked for our tray cleaning procedure, records, and training documentation. We know our farms, crops, and people inside out, and have always maintained good agricultural practices because it benefits us. Yet, audit requirements only grow more complicated each year, with little benefit or recognition of the additional costs for small or medium-sized businesses.
Frustrated with the audits, I began searching for software to help streamline the process. I first tried the app we use for internal packhouse audits, which was useful for this purpose, but not for aligning with the larger external audit requirements. More general whole farm management tools were very expensive, and required extensive data input, which didn’t save time or add value. What I needed was an app that simplifies the process, allowing me to upload my sample invoices, recommendations, policies, plans, etc. once and assign them to multiple audits.
I envisioned an app dedicated to farm audits. An app that appreciated the issues and frustrations we share in terms of audits, and crucially the reality of how I have always prepared for them; thought about frequently, worked on bit by bit throughout the year, with the time and cost slowly ramping up as it gets closer to the day of the audit. When I passed one of the fruit sprayers, I looked at the new NSTS sticker on the side, thought, ‘I’ll need that later,’ took a photo, and carried on walking. Six months later, funnily enough, I could not find it. If only I had an app dedicated to my audits—where I could take a photo there and then, and upload it straight away, knowing it won’t be lost in my camera roll. I could then either automatically assign it to multiple audits or add it to a queue within my audit app to quickly assign it later to however many audits necessary.
As I could not find this app, I thought I’d investigate developing one. Having kicked the can down the road for a year or so, I’ve finally decided to move forward with it, and the app is now in the first stage of development. The app has one aim—reduce the painful, timely, and costly job of preparing and carrying out audits on the farm.
We know the increasing complexity and number of farm audits affects us all and comes with a price. The app has to help us.
I would really appreciate any thoughts on the app - other potential features or issues you encounter with audits that we might be able to try and address.
For updates on the launch & features, please register your interest via the link below:
Register Interest
Thank you once again for your time - looking forward to hearing your views!
All the best,
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who completed the survey regarding audits a few months ago. Your input is greatly appreciated. I wanted to follow up and provide more information on the project—where it stands now and where it's headed.
To start, some context might help you understand why a 23-year-old is so interested in farm audits, perhaps one of the most demoralising and dull processes on the planet. It began just two days after finishing school, when I was tasked with managing the audits on the farm (Red Tractor, LEAF, QMS, M&S). I was chuffed; I didn’t expect Dad to give me such a massive responsibility so soon after leaving school. Four years later, I am certain I would have done the same in Dad’s shoes. Despite feeling slightly conned, I don't blame him for passing on this particular responsibility. In fact, I felt sorry for him when I left last October for some work experience, knowing the shock he’d face with the updated standards since he last completed a Red Tractor, QMS, SQC, or LEAF audit.
This shock was evident recently, as I watched Dad’s face when an auditor asked for our tray cleaning procedure, records, and training documentation. We know our farms, crops, and people inside out, and have always maintained good agricultural practices because it benefits us. Yet, audit requirements only grow more complicated each year, with little benefit or recognition of the additional costs for small or medium-sized businesses.
Frustrated with the audits, I began searching for software to help streamline the process. I first tried the app we use for internal packhouse audits, which was useful for this purpose, but not for aligning with the larger external audit requirements. More general whole farm management tools were very expensive, and required extensive data input, which didn’t save time or add value. What I needed was an app that simplifies the process, allowing me to upload my sample invoices, recommendations, policies, plans, etc. once and assign them to multiple audits.
I envisioned an app dedicated to farm audits. An app that appreciated the issues and frustrations we share in terms of audits, and crucially the reality of how I have always prepared for them; thought about frequently, worked on bit by bit throughout the year, with the time and cost slowly ramping up as it gets closer to the day of the audit. When I passed one of the fruit sprayers, I looked at the new NSTS sticker on the side, thought, ‘I’ll need that later,’ took a photo, and carried on walking. Six months later, funnily enough, I could not find it. If only I had an app dedicated to my audits—where I could take a photo there and then, and upload it straight away, knowing it won’t be lost in my camera roll. I could then either automatically assign it to multiple audits or add it to a queue within my audit app to quickly assign it later to however many audits necessary.
As I could not find this app, I thought I’d investigate developing one. Having kicked the can down the road for a year or so, I’ve finally decided to move forward with it, and the app is now in the first stage of development. The app has one aim—reduce the painful, timely, and costly job of preparing and carrying out audits on the farm.
We know the increasing complexity and number of farm audits affects us all and comes with a price. The app has to help us.
I would really appreciate any thoughts on the app - other potential features or issues you encounter with audits that we might be able to try and address.
For updates on the launch & features, please register your interest via the link below:
Register Interest
Thank you once again for your time - looking forward to hearing your views!
All the best,