Who else thinks that money is going to be short now after all this corvid 19 virus . I can see that this country and many more are going to be very short of money and what they have is going to be spent very carefully .
With that in mind I recon if you budget for zero coming your way any more than that will be a bonus .
I know that SFP was slowly going down to be replaced by ELMS . My worry is that if countries are on their knees financially they are not going to be in a position and something has to give.
Hopefully a good debate follows from the better educated and brighter members than me .
With that in mind I recon if you budget for zero coming your way any more than that will be a bonus .
I know that SFP was slowly going down to be replaced by ELMS . My worry is that if countries are on their knees financially they are not going to be in a position and something has to give.
Hopefully a good debate follows from the better educated and brighter members than me .