I’m back to the old debate yet again of how much silage and meal to feed ewes. My silage wasn’t tested as only have 35 bales for the ewes, it’s very wet and 2 years old. I’m being told by some to feed as lib and then some say restrict and feed more meal. 1st issue isn’t with as lib my walk through troughs are small and if fill to full they just pull chunks onto mesh.same along front barrier. Then next is if I restrict it so thet all get to eat it all at feedinf times at once then lick it clean how much meal do I compensate it with ? Ewes in good condition and I’d like to keep that way. Triplets current on 0.25kgs a day. They 8 weeks from lambing or just under
this my walk through feeders
and then the silage
Sorry for long post
Sorry for long post