For all farmers - survey closing soon - please share!!

Hello, I am a final year agri-business student at Harper Adams University. I am completing my dissertation with a comparison of the agri-environment schemes available to farmers in England, following the transition away from direct payments. I am hoping to provide some clarity on the options available and their associated payment rates, option requirements and potential practical impacts. My working title is as follows:
“Post – Basic Payment Scheme (BPS): A Comparative Analysis of the Agri-Environment Schemes Available for Farmers in England, as farmers transition away from Direct Payments.”
As part of my research, I would really appreciate farmers’ feedback on experience, opinions and comments regarding the transition away from direct payments and environmental schemes currently available.
If you are involved within a farm business, I would really appreciate if you could spare 5-10 minutes to complete the online survey linked below. All responses are anonymised and confidential, being used only for the purpose of this research study.
Post – Basic Payment Scheme (BPS): A Comparative Analysis of the Agri-Environment Schemes Available for Farmers in England, as farmers transition away from Direct Payments.
Please feel free to share & thank you in advance!
(Photos for attention)
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