- Location
- SW Scotland
About 9.30 last night farm dogs started barking. Had a look outside and could hear a loud diesel engined vehicle driving up the back yard. Came back in to get my boots on and my daughter says she saw someone walking past the workshop and quad bike shed. By the time I got back out the driver had turned at the front of one of our livestock sheds with one of the loudest reversing beepers I have ever heard. The cattle which as you would expect had been lying content at that time of night were spooked and charged up the slats to the far end of the shed. Managed to stop the driver leaving the yard by shining my torch light at him whilst standing on the road. Was aware of the foreign number plate and left hand drive vehicle. Driver opened door and said he was German and looking for our neighbours farm, to which my first impression was aye right likely story. Anyway went back in house phoned across to my other farm and jumped in the pick up to see where he had gone, Anyway turned out he was genuine enough as by then he was at my neighbours place and they confirmed that they were expecting him. Anyway when I went to feed cattle this morning find two lots mixed up as in their flight last night they must have rammed against a dividing gate and burst it open and mixed with a batch drawn out for the abattoir today. One carrying a leg, think it's not too bad but obviously can't be transported today.
Does anyone know what the disinfecting protocol is for these lorries which have obviously been on foreign farms? Plenty of nasty viruses in the news at moment both human and swine. Where he turned last night was right in front of feed passage and feed store.
Does anyone know what the disinfecting protocol is for these lorries which have obviously been on foreign farms? Plenty of nasty viruses in the news at moment both human and swine. Where he turned last night was right in front of feed passage and feed store.