Looking at what systems people have found worked well. I’m on a bit of a budget - It’s primarily on smaller kit,3 meter, for the equestrian world and also improvement of summer grazed marshes. I like the look of the browns slitter with attached following spring Harrow and stocks unit mounted on it. My experience would be you need forward speed for the Harrow tones to work, but this would then reduce the effect of the slitter, and visa versa.
The other option I have is mounting the stocks on the Harrow? Any comments ?
I’ve also been wondering if I should Harrow the fields and the. Have the seeder mounted on the front of a tractor ahead of the roll? Or is the seen incorporated with the Harrow better than rolled in seed?
Interested to hear thoughts from the grassland experts ! Thanks
The other option I have is mounting the stocks on the Harrow? Any comments ?
I’ve also been wondering if I should Harrow the fields and the. Have the seeder mounted on the front of a tractor ahead of the roll? Or is the seen incorporated with the Harrow better than rolled in seed?
Interested to hear thoughts from the grassland experts ! Thanks