Hares and Myxomatosis


Bury St Edmunds
Given they are quite disparate species on the tree of evolution, i wonder if mixy is not even possible?
Some diseases do regularly jump species such as avian flu going from birds to pigs to man . I very much hope Myxie has not jumped, but not impossible. However i doubt it will be the same intensity in hares due to their solitary lifestyle compared to rabbits.


Livestock Farmer
East Sussex
It is very unlikely to be Myxmiatosis as it is spread by fleas underground mostly when there is a high density of rabbits.
It is possible that it is VHF but I believe when there is a high number of Hares they seem to die off, it may be a parasitic worm.


Mixed Farmer
Hares always struggle in dry years when all the land is cultivated and no wheat emerged they do not do well on osr
Now we notill and grow spring crops with cover they have plenty of feed
One of the success signs for over winter stubble or winter cover is the presence of hares

I’d agree with that. Got more hares here now then we had 15 years ago. Nearly ran two over this morning with the quad bike in fact.

Love to see them around. One of my favourite animals in the farm and I’ll help them if I can.


Arable Farmer
Found an immature hare on the road in early spring, went to move it and it had what looked like classic Myxi with eyes full of goop, and riven with flees. Dead by morning.
I googled ‘Myxomatosis in hares’ and the scientific results said it was relatively rare to see it in hares, but not unknown.
'Biggest problem we have is bloody buzzards picking up leverets.ive witnessed this when spreading fertiliser.made me really angry


Why does watching nature* in operation make you angry?

(* leaving to one side the pedantic quibble that the buzzard is a native species while the brown hare isn't).

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