Beef finishing here, grass diet with barley and blend to balance.
What is people’s opinions on adding herbs and legumes to 3-5 year cut and graze mixes. Could just go for NUM2, but obviously SAM3 is more money. We do 2 cuts first around 20th may which is clamped. 2nd is generally 7-8 weeks growth into bales. It would always be adding herbs and legumes once the ley is established. I am thinking to avoid chicory. What do you think the quality of the silage will be like and how will it feed?
What is people’s opinions on adding herbs and legumes to 3-5 year cut and graze mixes. Could just go for NUM2, but obviously SAM3 is more money. We do 2 cuts first around 20th may which is clamped. 2nd is generally 7-8 weeks growth into bales. It would always be adding herbs and legumes once the ley is established. I am thinking to avoid chicory. What do you think the quality of the silage will be like and how will it feed?