I ask the above ,as in the UK thieves are targeting farm workshops, GPS units from self propelled machinery, farm vehicles , butchering sheep in fields, etc etc, vandals are doing will full damage,last night the set fire to a 8ha field of barley!!!!!!
If thieves in your country ever get caught and convicted for comiting any of the above crimes what pnishment might
they get??
In the uk there is no physical
punishment to put the fear of God in to criminals should they be caught and convicted.
I expect the above may be the same in your country but thought I would ask.
I have put this thread in Agricultural Matters in the hope it will be looked at more than if put on “Crime Line”forum. Thankyou.
If thieves in your country ever get caught and convicted for comiting any of the above crimes what pnishment might
they get??
In the uk there is no physical
punishment to put the fear of God in to criminals should they be caught and convicted.
I expect the above may be the same in your country but thought I would ask.
I have put this thread in Agricultural Matters in the hope it will be looked at more than if put on “Crime Line”forum. Thankyou.