
Well, I'm sure it is worth nothing to you, but with your '...I don't actually care what truth there is or is not...' you've lost any respect I had for you. What a fundamentally and demonstrably stupid thing to write - I wonder if it is honest, if so it is an awful admission. More so from someone in science and studying medicine.

As for the forum and a discussion about religion, this is not an ag' section; when you complain about all the other subjects discussed, you'll relieve yourself of a fair weight of hypocrisy... possibly.

I have little or no recollection of complaining about whatever is posted on this forum, I consider the place a veritable hot-potch of things, but for you to come out so vehemently opposing something and then trying to victimise me based on my limited understanding is a bit much.

Faith in general is not something I subscribe to. I would consider myself vaguely Christian but I do not understand Christianity in anything like the detail I would consider necessary to be a devout Christian. I do not recollect the last time I set foot in a Church, picked up a Bible or prayed.

I don't understand any other religion much either. What I know about them is limited to what I have picked up in the sum total of my again limited human experience. I have travelled around the world a fair bit and seen other cultures. Again, my experience of these is highly limited and as the days go by more and more of this knowledge is lost because my brain is being force fed ever more material of a highly specific and very different kind.

I don't know the truth about anything in particular: you don't seem to get it- there is nothing else in this world now that I can assign particular importance to because of the journey I am on. Medicine is all I have. It is breakfast, lunch and dinner. I do not do social activities, I do not really have that many friends, I don't have a social life. 99%+ of anything I read on the web is medical. Other content serves only to distract me. I post on TFF a bit but even this is far less than I would have done so in the past- I don't get time and the technical details are fast disappearing down the hippocampal plug hole as well. I can't really care about anything else because I simply do not have time.

At the risk of repeating myself, I have utterly no clue why you are expecting some detailed and amazing insight of Islam from me. I've said my bit. I can't speak for anyone else. I'm sorry I can't seem to provide an answer you will either accept or which will even begin to apparently explain my point of view. I've posted as best I can, you don't respect me- well I'll just have to go and cry in my milk then. That's all I really have to say.
The evidence speaks for itself. When was the last time the RC Church, or the CofE, or any of the branches of Judaism ordered a death by stoning? Now, when was the last time (the latest that was widely publicised, could have been more since) someone was stoned under Islam? The end of last year.

I have no idea I'm afraid. Have you tried taking this up with someone who is an expert on the subject? The comings and goings of 21st century religious extremists isn't something I assign much importance to if I am honest.


Sir Gar / Carms
I have little or no recollection of complaining about whatever is posted on this forum, I consider the place a veritable hot-potch of things, but for you to come out so vehemently opposing something and then trying to victimise me based on my limited understanding is a bit much.

Faith in general is not something I subscribe to. I would consider myself vaguely Christian but I do not understand Christianity in anything like the detail I would consider necessary to be a devout Christian. I do not recollect the last time I set foot in a Church, picked up a Bible or prayed.

I don't understand any other religion much either. What I know about them is limited to what I have picked up in the sum total of my again limited human experience. I have travelled around the world a fair bit and seen other cultures. Again, my experience of these is highly limited and as the days go by more and more of this knowledge is lost because my brain is being force fed ever more material of a highly specific and very different kind.

I don't know the truth about anything in particular: you don't seem to get it- there is nothing else in this world now that I can assign particular importance to because of the journey I am on. Medicine is all I have. It is breakfast, lunch and dinner. I do not do social activities, I do not really have that many friends, I don't have a social life. 99%+ of anything I read on the web is medical. Other content serves only to distract me. I post on TFF a bit but even this is far less than I would have done so in the past- I don't get time and the technical details are fast disappearing down the hippocampal plug hole as well. I can't really care about anything else because I simply do not have time.

At the risk of repeating myself, I have utterly no clue why you are expecting some detailed and amazing insight of Islam from me. I've said my bit. I can't speak for anyone else. I'm sorry I can't seem to provide an answer you will either accept or which will even begin to apparently explain my point of view. I've posted as best I can. That's all I really have to say.



The comings and goings of 21st century religious extremists isn't something I assign much importance to if I am honest.

I dare say a fair few Londoners on the Underground thought the same as you do at 08:45 on the 7th July 2005. I can guarantee they'd have been thinking a whole lot differently about religious extremists just a few minutes later. Those who survived, of course.


It's just another example of the kind of actions that adherents to the Muslim faith have been responsible for, with not just the permission of their religion but active encouragement to do so through the promise of reward in heaven (the promise of 72 wives for martyrs in the afterlife ring a bell?).


Sir Gar / Carms
Bible was supposidly(made up ) written in the 8th century
Well, the vast majority of its content was certainly made up and is manifestly fictitious. But let's deal in facts, we have good anecdotal and hard physical evidence for large parts of the text having been extant from long before the 8th Century.

Where on Earth did you get he idea of its relatively recent fabrication?

br jones

Well, the vast majority of its content was certainly made up and is manifestly fictitious. But let's deal in facts, we have good anecdotal and hard physical evidence for large parts of the text having been extant from long before the 8th Century.

Where on Earth did you get he idea of its relatively recent fabrication?


Sir Gar / Carms
Meaning that is told you there are 'claims' of such a late date, or that the date was a fact...?

There are idiots who claim Putin is a democrat. That is a factual statement, there are indeed stupid people who will state that Putin is a democrat. Of course, he isn't a democrat, he is an autocrat / dictator, who kills people that oppose him. But it is nonetheless true that he is claimed to be by some fools.


Mixed Farmer
As stated earlier, both Judaism and Christianity have had their reformations. Islam has not. That's why Christians don't stone people to death any more, whilst it still happens all too regularly in a number of Islamic countries.
The most Christian country in the world most certainly hasn’t stayed in the dark ages when it comes to executions. They’ve got electricity and now there’s Nitrogen gas .
This is bordering on the ridiculous now.

It is fact that Several Catholic priests have been convinced of sex crimes. What point are you trying to make? Human beings are capable of doing terrible things, their particular religion is immaterial in reality.
Acts as a "group" or an act of an "individual"???
Many other groups including muslims do the same or worse yet never get targeted as the same as you suggest as above suggesting that you too are prejudiced???
As for sex crimes as by your definition while easy to target Catholic priests, how about BBC employee's, known actors, musicians, politicians (in particular Democrats) and those especially within various parts of the education system including universities....

Burrell Road Loco

Arable Farmer
My eldest daughter has recently being comparing Islam and Christianity at secondary school, in a subject called MO (presume it replaced RE).

I asked to see some of the work, and was shocked to read such things as;
death penalty - still technically valid in Islamic countries but not really used
arranged marriages - used to be common, but not now
No mention of women's rights or female education
No mention of radicalisation, terror attacks, grooming gangs, Saria law etc

Islam was just like Christianity, next to no difference, embrace it, was the very blatant message.
The whole subject had a VERY distorted pro-Islamic view at best, and was down right pure lies at its worst.

This is happening NOW in British secondary schools, they are lying to our children about the realities within our society in modern Britain.

Wake up folks, this is a very real problem now.

A mob of thousands of radical Muslims blatantly broke the law outside our parliament, in full view of the Met police who did nothing, resulting in the throwing aside of hundreds of years of parliamentary tradition which forced through a pro-Islamic motion without debate!

Lee Anderson called this out and was virtually cancelled.

Wake up and smell the coffee before your not allowed it. We are already being arrested for ‘hate speech‘ such as this post!

My children should have the choice to believe in whatever faith they want to, not be forced to believe in Islam for fear of death.
Muslims should have the choice to believe what they want to believe, BUT no-one in Britain should be forced to believe in any one particular faith through fear of violence.
We stopped that sort of thing happening in Britain about 500 years ago, but has Islam moved on?
Millions of people around the world died for us all to enjoy free speech, but what are sleep walking into now?

I’m now expecting a knock at the door and being charged with a ‘hate crime’.


My eldest daughter has recently being comparing Islam and Christianity at secondary school, in a subject called MO (presume it replaced RE).

I asked to see some of the work, and was shocked to read such things as;
death penalty - still technically valid in Islamic countries but not really used
arranged marriages - used to be common, but not now
No mention of women's rights or female education
No mention of radicalisation, terror attacks, grooming gangs, Saria law etc

Islam was just like Christianity, next to no difference, embrace it, was the very blatant message.
The whole subject had a VERY distorted pro-Islamic view at best, and was down right pure lies at its worst.

This is happening NOW in British secondary schools, they are lying to our children about the realities within our society in modern Britain.

Wake up folks, this is a very real problem now.

A mob of thousands of radical Muslims blatantly broke the law outside our parliament, in full view of the Met police who did nothing, resulting in the throwing aside of hundreds of years of parliamentary tradition which forced through a pro-Islamic motion without debate!

Lee Anderson called this out and was virtually cancelled.

Wake up and smell the coffee before your not allowed it. We are already being arrested for ‘hate speech‘ such as this post!

My children should have the choice to believe in whatever faith they want to, not be forced to believe in Islam for fear of death.
Muslims should have the choice to believe what they want to believe, BUT no-one in Britain should be forced to believe in any one particular faith through fear of violence.
We stopped that sort of thing happening in Britain about 500 years ago, but has Islam moved on?
Millions of people around the world died for us all to enjoy free speech, but what are sleep walking into now?

I’m now expecting a knock at the door and being charged with a ‘hate crime’.
Have you contacted your daughters school to ask for a face to face meeting with the headmaster and teacher involved to discuss this?

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

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    Votes: 120 38.8%
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    Votes: 118 38.2%
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    Votes: 42 13.6%
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    Votes: 6 1.9%
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    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 244
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...