We thought this baler gave a fixed diameter bale. Ours has the Bale Track Easy monitor and during haytime the monitor was telling us the bales were oversize. Supplier couldn’t fix it immediately but later replaced the potentiometer. Too late, we found out the diameter can be adjusted on the monitor. It is in the manual of course!
Max for silage, half for haylage, less than half for hay. I think there are 5 settings.
If there is anyone out there with practical experience of the settings for these crops we would be grateful. Should save some trial and error in the hay field next year. Thanks.
Max for silage, half for haylage, less than half for hay. I think there are 5 settings.
If there is anyone out there with practical experience of the settings for these crops we would be grateful. Should save some trial and error in the hay field next year. Thanks.