Just a quick one lads. My neighbour has bought a John deere round baler. It's a fixed chamber. Not sure which model yet. All I know is that it's fairly fresh looking. He tried to do some bales and she's 100% until the Bale is about half cooked then she throws the chain off. He's bitterly disappointed and as yet he's not got to the cause of the problem. I will find out which model tomorrow morning.
Any ideas what could be causing this to happen. The bearings all seem ok. I haven't had a look yet but I suspect that the door is opening half way through the Bale. But I am not familiar with the baler so I can't be sure.
He's a few acres cut down. Some of the neighbours offered him some contract baling to help him with the hp. He's keen to get going.
Any ideas what could be causing this to happen. The bearings all seem ok. I haven't had a look yet but I suspect that the door is opening half way through the Bale. But I am not familiar with the baler so I can't be sure.
He's a few acres cut down. Some of the neighbours offered him some contract baling to help him with the hp. He's keen to get going.