Lancrop Laboratories - Trusted suppliers of independent analysis for more than 40 years.
Lancrop Laboratories offer analysis services to the agricultural, horticultural, environmental and amenity sectors. We analyse a wide range of sample types including soil, plant tissue, petiole, fruit and fruitlets, grains, forage and feeds, composts, waters, manures, slurries, digestates, fertiliser, lime and environmental wastes.
Why choose Lancrop?
We perform over two million separate analyses every year on samples received from customers in the UK and from more than 50 countries. Our customers range from individual growers to independent agronomic consultants to multi-national companies, including research stations, academic bodies and government organizations.
Comprehensive, efficient and accurate
We provide an extensive suite of analytical tests with main sample types having a 2 to 3 day turnaround from the date of arrival at the laboratory. Lancrop Laboratories hold both BS-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 levels of accreditation and we regularly participate in internationally recognized proficiency-testing schemes to ensure all laboratory processes are accurate, consistent and repeatable.
Interpretation and Advice
Crop specific interpretation and fertiliser application recommendations are included in sample reports. Technical advice is also available from our support team who hold Basis qualifications in FACTS, Soil and Water and Quality of Soils.

Website - www.lancrop.com