Livestock farmers unite, we have a PROBLEM!!!!


As farmers we are all in the same boat, but somehow the idea that food must be cheap has taken hold. That has to change if we are ever to prosper without taxpayer handouts.

I know we can't pass our costs on easily; everyone else seems to though don't they? Producers should be the most valued sector of the food economy.
Partly to do with this countries obsession with high property prices and indirect taxation/allowances in relation to disposable income/ % of earnings - to effectively buy votes by delusion .

Wood field

Livestock Farmer


That’s very true and a great example
Adding value to ‘your commodity’ is where it’s at, in future if farming is to prosper
Should it be? If your specialty is not farming but adding value to a commodity would it not be better business to quick farming and just buy in the commodity? There will always be someone how can produce milk/grain/fruit/meat for less than you can!
As farmers we are all in the same boat, but somehow the idea that food must be cheap has taken hold. That has to change if we are ever to prosper without taxpayer handouts.

I know we can't pass our costs on easily; everyone else seems to though don't they? Producers should be the most valued sector of the food economy.
Yes they should be but they never will be which is why subsidies are an essential part of the equation, keeps producers in business and keeps food affordable i dont get what the big issue is its a clever system, the taxpayer would have to pay more without them so is it really a handout? Its all a matter of perspective
Ill clear this issue up of not worrying about having vegans making our ag policy as some just dont seem to get it and think all policy makers are like a jury in court who have sworen some sort of oath...

IF i were a vegan and i were making the policies id favour arable farms over those producing meat to be slaughtered, if i didnt then i wouldnt be a very good vegan and id be going against my own beliefs and add to the suffering and unnecessary deaths of innocent animals all over england, in short i wouldnt be a very good vegan

Now....can anyone spot the conflict of interest ive been banging on about yet???
id like to pay staff £3/hr but i cant, why? because the government sets a minimum wage, this is effectively a sub paid for by taxpaying businesses
Do you really think people could live on £3 an hour??

Wage increases are NOT driving inflation, that is just this tosser of a Govs spin to try and deflect attention away from the real reasons inflation has been out of control the last year or so!

And you cannot argue that your staff should only earn £3 an hour yet you need tens of thousands of taxpayers money to cover the costs of producing food!


Ill clear this issue up of not worrying about having vegans making our ag policy as some just dont seem to get it and think all policy makers are like a jury in court who have sworen some sort of oath...

IF i were a vegan and i were making the policies id favour arable farms over those producing meat to be slaughtered, if i didnt then i wouldnt be a very good vegan and id be going against my own beliefs and add to the suffering and unnecessary deaths of innocent animals all over england, in short i wouldnt be a very good vegan

Now....can anyone spot the conflict of interest ive been banging on about yet???
The reality is with the new system is its area/ income forgone based .
Landowners -they were not getting the income anyway nor will have to jump through the hoops and arable farmers will be able to work this scenario better than livestock farmers as the forgone bit means just leaving the machines etc in the shed to achieve a similar result financially in theory , for a stock farmer the crop not grown has to replaced/bought somehow or the cows have to be housed rather than running on that poor rough bit all winter , the 30 acres of barley and straw now has to hauled in great distances /fuel contract/labour bills and bought and the muck and slurry is a bigger problem as to where to put it , more grass keep or maize land will be needed - income forgone won't cover this to stay in the same place .
There is nothing new about this effect on different types of farm regardless of vegans .
Headage , production based or no sub at all would be fairer .


Do you really think people could live on £3 an hour??

Wage increases are NOT driving inflation, that is just this tosser of a Govs spin to try and deflect attention away from the real reasons inflation has been out of control the last year or so!

And you cannot argue that your staff should only earn £3 an hour yet you need tens of thousands of taxpayers money to cover the costs of producing food!
I don't think it's to be taken literally, I'd like to sell my cattle for £10,000 each but that doesn't mean I think it's feasible.
Do you really think people could live on £3 an hour??

Wage increases are NOT driving inflation, that is just this tosser of a Govs spin to try and deflect attention away from the real reasons inflation has been out of control the last year or so!

And you cannot argue that your staff should only earn £3 an hour yet you need tens of thousands of taxpayers money to cover the costs of producing food!
It was sarcasm i understand in todays world this isnt enough

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 119 38.6%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.3%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 243
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...