- Location
- Scottish Highlands
I wasn't going to have a rant, but what the......
I have been having a very mild argument with my local hospital. The doctors wants to do some tests which to my mind are nonsense. They've taken so many blood samples that I'm convinced they are either vampires or have a side line in flogging off my plasma to the USA as an antidote to C-19. Consequently, if I don't feel well, it's because they haven't left me enough blood to function with. But my older sister has the explataion, "They surely didn't expect you to be normal?". (I must see my solicitor about re-drafting my will).
Anyway, the first hurdle is that the NHS doesn't like emails. Something to do with privacy which is a load of nonsense unless either the dog or horse has leant to read as I'm the only one in the house. No use phoning as I can't hear the phone and if I do, I won't reach it on time after I've turned off the TV, found my deaf aids, and lifted the handset. (Audiology won't use email either which is a bit of a nonsense when it's mostly deaf people who want to contact them). But that's OK, I can use snail mail. Only a five mile round trip to the letter box.
So I retrieve the NHS's last letter from my file. Suddenly, the date of their letter which arrived in July changes to today's date... in August. Duh! So there's an auto undater that needs to be turned off. Easy! Now how do you do that? Get onto Google and do a search. No, dear, I don't want to update Word. Ah! I see how! Try "date and time". That's better. Simply click in 'insert', time and date, and untick a box, I think. Now where have those instructions on Google gune? Back to the browser. Now Word disappears. Nope, that won't work because time and date are greyed out....Maybe it's in Word preferences that need to be changes? No, that won't work either. So you get the idea. Continue to hunt and peck at various links. No good. Running out of swear words now. Bound to be some annoyance unique to Macs...That's it! Change time and date in main Mac Preferences! Yipee! Hold on a minute, that won't work because of that little padlock thingy. Now where did I put my Adminstrator password? Good thing I remembered to use the same one for everything (and so much for security).
Now what was it I was going to write about and to who? Oh, sod it. Can't remember. Time for lunch anyway. Who is the gy who owns Apple? Now I found out how to do it, maybe I'll send him a rude letter instead.
I have been having a very mild argument with my local hospital. The doctors wants to do some tests which to my mind are nonsense. They've taken so many blood samples that I'm convinced they are either vampires or have a side line in flogging off my plasma to the USA as an antidote to C-19. Consequently, if I don't feel well, it's because they haven't left me enough blood to function with. But my older sister has the explataion, "They surely didn't expect you to be normal?". (I must see my solicitor about re-drafting my will).
Anyway, the first hurdle is that the NHS doesn't like emails. Something to do with privacy which is a load of nonsense unless either the dog or horse has leant to read as I'm the only one in the house. No use phoning as I can't hear the phone and if I do, I won't reach it on time after I've turned off the TV, found my deaf aids, and lifted the handset. (Audiology won't use email either which is a bit of a nonsense when it's mostly deaf people who want to contact them). But that's OK, I can use snail mail. Only a five mile round trip to the letter box.
So I retrieve the NHS's last letter from my file. Suddenly, the date of their letter which arrived in July changes to today's date... in August. Duh! So there's an auto undater that needs to be turned off. Easy! Now how do you do that? Get onto Google and do a search. No, dear, I don't want to update Word. Ah! I see how! Try "date and time". That's better. Simply click in 'insert', time and date, and untick a box, I think. Now where have those instructions on Google gune? Back to the browser. Now Word disappears. Nope, that won't work because time and date are greyed out....Maybe it's in Word preferences that need to be changes? No, that won't work either. So you get the idea. Continue to hunt and peck at various links. No good. Running out of swear words now. Bound to be some annoyance unique to Macs...That's it! Change time and date in main Mac Preferences! Yipee! Hold on a minute, that won't work because of that little padlock thingy. Now where did I put my Adminstrator password? Good thing I remembered to use the same one for everything (and so much for security).
Now what was it I was going to write about and to who? Oh, sod it. Can't remember. Time for lunch anyway. Who is the gy who owns Apple? Now I found out how to do it, maybe I'll send him a rude letter instead.