Milk Price Tracker

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
the 4 months we were over 50p, were nice while it lasted, but anything starting with a 4, isn't terrible going forward, into the 'cheap' grazing period, drop below 40p, is a different matter, its a phycological barrier, as well as a shite price. Prices in the 30's, l think will bring a surge of disposals, TB allowing.

Which, no doubt, will decrease supply, and after a while, price will rise again, milking has always been a roller coaster ride, just as all farming is, price wise. 1999 our bottom price was 14p, and its been low, several times since. Have the s/mkts ever had a problem to source milk ? The answer, unfortunately, is no. Will they run short at 30p, again no.

Just hope we don't follow the pig and chicken industry, where s/mkts refused to up the contracted price, to even cover the extra food costs. All they did, was imported from the globe cheaply. Same standards as ours ? you have got to be kidding.

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
Than those got a higher milk price.

Margin on organic with a higher milk price has been less than conventional.

Hoops cost money.
the difference in price of organic milk, and normal milk, just isn't enough, to cover your increased cost of inputs.

will it return to a more viable difference ? Sid will disagree, but with inflation, and particularly food inflation, many consumers will struggle to buy it, and return to 'normal', whatever normal is.

On a slightly different topic, l bought, without realising, vegan peanut butter, and chocolate dates, peanut butter is great, not a fan of the choc though. We went to a huge independent market in Frome, will take more notice of what l buy next time !!!!!!!!!!! But there were plenty of stalls, offering organic vegetarian and vegan products, that l did notice. As well as a lot of ethnic food l have never heard of !


On a slightly different topic, l bought, without realising, vegan peanut butter, and chocolate dates, peanut butter is great, not a fan of the choc though. We went to a huge independent market in Frome, will take more notice of what l buy next time !!!!!!!!!!!
Vegan peanut butter? Does that allow them to charge more by putting the vegan word in front of it? There’s me thinking its normally peanuts, oil & a possibly seasonings.
Than those got a higher milk price.

Margin on organic with a higher milk price has been less than conventional.

Hoops cost money.
Certainly won’t disagree with you on the hoops cost money, walked away from a contract with a lot of hoops a few years back and found it made little difference to my profits but has been good for my stress levels/mental health.

As for how my profits for last year compare to others I haven’t a clue but last year will have bucked a trend here, severely dry years usually result in a substantial drop in profits, last year will be one of the best, so much so that I even bought a new to me tractor to reduce the tax bill, never done that before

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
Doesn't that depend on supply and demand?

Show your workings 👍🏻
quite simple really, inflation esp food inflation, is on the tv everyday, as is the need of food banks, if people cannot afford 'normal' food, they aint gonna buy organic.
you will have a base that will not change, but you will lose the 'lifestyle' ones.

all praise to you, if you can make it stack up, the organic producers l know, and talk to, are complaining.
perhaps you ought to show your figures, so they can see where they are going wrong.

organic to me, holds no interest whatsoever, but to several friends it does, and we chat about prices etc.

logic would say, as food inflation increases, consumers will be unable to pay the increased cost of organic food.

Wee Willy

the 4 months we were over 50p, were nice while it lasted, but anything starting with a 4, isn't terrible going forward, into the 'cheap' grazing period, drop below 40p, is a different matter, its a phycological barrier, as well as a shite price. Prices in the 30's, l think will bring a surge of disposals, TB allowing.

Which, no doubt, will decrease supply, and after a while, price will rise again, milking has always been a roller coaster ride, just as all farming is, price wise. 1999 our bottom price was 14p, and its been low, several times since. Have the s/mkts ever had a problem to source milk ? The answer, unfortunately, is no. Will they run short at 30p, again no.

Just hope we don't follow the pig and chicken industry, where s/mkts refused to up the contracted price, to even cover the extra food costs. All they did, was imported from the globe cheaply. Same standards as ours ? you have got to be kidding.
You've said several times that prices in the 30's will bring widespread dispersals. In NI we have been in 30's for a few months. April milk will be in low 30's. Our urea is over £500, our cake is near £400. Grass land is £300+ acre for one year rent.
No dispersals,in fact heifers are £2/3000.
Head down,arse up and continue.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...