I've a 2014 NH t7.235 and I can only get it to 6.68 bar( used to be 7.5barish). I've drained the air tank, the belt doesn't look to be slipping.
I was wondering if what to try next?
Might be compressor if you have no leak's anywhere, how many hour's, and do's it take longer to get to max pressure,what about prv do's it blow off......
If it blows off at that pressure then you will find a small screw on the unloader somewhere you can adjust.if it's not unloading then as said,compressor problem or bad leak somewhere,get the fairy liquid water out in a window sprayer and go round pipes and fittings.leak check first thing in fact...!
Hi, have same tractor with the same issue. Builds to 96-98 psi and blows off. What's the correct pressure these should be at? Have a 6090 at 120psi roughly.
Also where can I find the adjuster screw on the unloader?
Adjuster screw on my mf was right in the middle on the top of the unloaded
Cant remember which way I turned it but only go a 1/4 turn at a time
I set mine to 7.8/8bar
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