Does anyone have any pictures of the old power arm/ hy-reach flail bracket by McConnell sub frame mounted. I am trying to fit one to a IH 884 I have been told that the bottom of the frame should lock into the lower arm brackets but it won’t reach and don’t line up. I have also been told I am missing a “Carter” I can’t find any info on these and I have not been seen one. The manual refers to this but the parts in the picture look very different to the subframeI have. I would like to keep using the subframe rather than try and change the implements to 3PLas has been suggested to me, as it will give a far more solid mounting. In the picture the subframe is lifted as high as possible giving a lower mounting hole height of 33/34” as per the manual. The inside arms of the subframe re resting against the top link mount does the Carter fit into the top link mount then fix to these inside arms?