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Since maleic hydrazide’s approval was renewed with the proviso that treated crops can’t be fed to livestock there’s been a lot of confusion. CPM gets some clarity on where it leaves growers this season. Some processors have already contacted growers to say they will only accept potatoes treated with the old label. By Lucy de la Pasture As potato crops continue to bulk up this month, thoughts begin to turn to maleic hydrazide application. For many growers it’s a useful strategy to suppress sprouting during storage and reduce the numbers of volunteers in subsequent crops which carry over a host of disease and pest problems. Maleic hydrazide has been winding its way through the increasingly complex corridors of the EU pesticides regulations under (EC) No 1107/2009. It successfully gained Annex 1 status on its reapproval last year, but the new regulatory requirements placed on all maleic hydrazide products have been causing some confusion in the industry, explains head of technical services at UPL, Don Pendergast. Heavy rainfall during June has triggered a number of Hutton Criteria warnings across the country. Like many other active substances going through the re-approval process, the difficulty has arisen not due to the maleic…
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