Just swapped rear tyres on the quad as the old tyres were more like racing slick tyres than anything with a tread and were getting dangerous going down grass slopes first thing with a dew on the grass.
Opted for some BKT W207 to match those I put on the front back in the spring.
Tyre place have put 20psi in them saying thats what they need but the ride is very hard and I feel like Im slewing around at times.
Got a feeling 20 psi is just too hard??
Sure I ran the old ones at about 10?
Opted for some BKT W207 to match those I put on the front back in the spring.
Tyre place have put 20psi in them saying thats what they need but the ride is very hard and I feel like Im slewing around at times.
Got a feeling 20 psi is just too hard??
Sure I ran the old ones at about 10?