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Download PDF With the first new azole in around 15 years launched this month, CPM visited one of the farmers who’s been comparing it with his standard farm approach to build a picture on how it’s best used. We’ve started to look at all things around the crop, rather than just the crop itself. By Tom Allen-Stevens It feels good to stand in Julian Thirsk’s wheat crop, not just because it looks to be flourishing in the mid-November sun. The fact he has a wheat crop at all is an achievement in itself in one of the toughest autumns growers have faced in recent years. Julian’s concerns are not for the establishment challenges he’s tackled, though, but for the disease quagmire he’s yet to face. As well as running the family farm – Flaxley Lodge near Selby, N Yorks – Julian is an agronomist for NIAB TAG, looking after around 7500ha in S Yorks to Northumberland. He gets first-hand access to small-plot trials information, and for many years has carried out his own on-farm trials. “We’ve seen both prothioconazole and epoxiconazole break down over the years. SDHIs offer considerably less efficacy than they did when they were first introduced, and…
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