***Distributed on behalf of Red Tractor*****
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Dear All
As you are probably aware there are some changes to the Red Tractor Dairy Standards which members will be assessed against come the 1st October. With this in mind we felt it important to let those of you who offer training in the area of medicine use know what the standard wording is and how it will be measured at assessment.
We previously had a recommendation that ‘at least one member of staff responsible for administering medicines has undertaken training and holds a certificate…..’ the wording of the standard is now that at least one person, who is responsible for administering medicines……..
How will this be assessed on farm is that the assessor would expect the certificate to be in the name of someone who is regularly noted as administering medicines to the stock, as noted in the farm medicine records (this is not saying, under current standards, that all who administer must have completed a course), the date of the course should also be included on the certificate.
It is worth noting this is still a recommendation within the Beef and Lamb standards – the next planned review of these is 2021 so no changes will occur until then.
We know many of you looking to link these courses back to the standards – should you wish to use a Red Tractor logo please could we ask you to use the Farmed with care logo, as attached.
Should you have any questions about the standard please do come back to Kate Cross - Red Tractor Technical Manager Beef, Lamb and Dairy (Details below)
Tel: 020 3617 3672
Mob: 07384 517933
Email: [email protected]
Kate Cross has also attached the update summary for info – There will be one be forwarded in regard to health plans and annual reviews in the next few weeks.
Full PDF Attached
Dear All
As you are probably aware there are some changes to the Red Tractor Dairy Standards which members will be assessed against come the 1st October. With this in mind we felt it important to let those of you who offer training in the area of medicine use know what the standard wording is and how it will be measured at assessment.
We previously had a recommendation that ‘at least one member of staff responsible for administering medicines has undertaken training and holds a certificate…..’ the wording of the standard is now that at least one person, who is responsible for administering medicines……..

How will this be assessed on farm is that the assessor would expect the certificate to be in the name of someone who is regularly noted as administering medicines to the stock, as noted in the farm medicine records (this is not saying, under current standards, that all who administer must have completed a course), the date of the course should also be included on the certificate.
It is worth noting this is still a recommendation within the Beef and Lamb standards – the next planned review of these is 2021 so no changes will occur until then.
We know many of you looking to link these courses back to the standards – should you wish to use a Red Tractor logo please could we ask you to use the Farmed with care logo, as attached.
Should you have any questions about the standard please do come back to Kate Cross - Red Tractor Technical Manager Beef, Lamb and Dairy (Details below)
Tel: 020 3617 3672
Mob: 07384 517933
Email: [email protected]
Kate Cross has also attached the update summary for info – There will be one be forwarded in regard to health plans and annual reviews in the next few weeks.