I'm currently carrying out my A-level non examined assessment coursework and as a part of this we need to carry out market research in order to be able to assess the viability of my product.
I would ideally like to create a man crate that is fold-able for storage when its not in use.
I have created a survey which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. I would really appreciate if you could find the time to complete it as your views would be very valuable, it should only take a few minutes.
Thank you in advance.
I'm currently carrying out my A-level non examined assessment coursework and as a part of this we need to carry out market research in order to be able to assess the viability of my product.
I would ideally like to create a man crate that is fold-able for storage when its not in use.
I have created a survey which can be accessed by clicking on the link below. I would really appreciate if you could find the time to complete it as your views would be very valuable, it should only take a few minutes.
Market Research into Safety on Farms
Take this survey powered by surveymonkey.com. Create your own surveys for free.
Thank you in advance.