Seeking part time work experience within close proximity to Essex, (Basildon, Thurrock, Southend, Chelmsford). Pay element is negotiable depending on how helpful/flexible you can be - which i will obv return. Below is all the background you need on me, I'm extremely tech orientated and data driven plus not afraid to get my hands dirty or work hard as i work in retail 7 days a week for myself. Mainly free after 11am every day. I may be able to help you with IT/3d printing/custom robotics services depending on how much you can teach me about root veg farming in the uk.
Note: I would prefer not to work with animals slaughter purely because we don't farm cattle in the part of India I am from apart from for milk. (FWIW, i am as Essex as they come, born in Essex!!)
Can start on Monday 20th January and i am free until 10th March.
Some Background about me
Note: I would prefer not to work with animals slaughter purely because we don't farm cattle in the part of India I am from apart from for milk. (FWIW, i am as Essex as they come, born in Essex!!)
Can start on Monday 20th January and i am free until 10th March.
Some Background about me
Need Advice, Indian Farm land, noobs to farming!
So I am a born and bred in the land of Essex and of Indian ethnicity. My grandad left me and my dad a farm back on "the mothership" :D I'm thinking of going to India to see what opportunities there are with farming there and automation. We mainly farm root veg, wheat, peanuts, millet, veg...