25 - Self Employed farm labourer/ tractor driver based in Fife, Scotland
Looking for work from may onwards. From Shropshire so willing to take summer work outside of Scotland.
Range of experience
4 years in the USA on harvest, Head truck driver for 2 seasons leading convoys, planning routes, overseeing and servicing equipment. Hauled over 40,000 tonnes of grain, oversize loads and more.
Tractor work inc. Mowing, Raking, Forage box, Slurry tanking, ploughing, cultivations, drilling, fert spreading, muck and compost spreading, potato planting, Combining, ditch drainage,
About 3500 hours of loader work mostly on straw, grain and potatoes.
Grain and potato storage experience, Potato handling experience including filling bulk and box stores. handled 10,000+ boxes.
Workshop experience and I supply my own tools aswell as a new 8ft ifor williams trailer.
CV can be sent
Email [email protected]
Mob. 07956 630219
Looking for work from may onwards. From Shropshire so willing to take summer work outside of Scotland.
Range of experience
4 years in the USA on harvest, Head truck driver for 2 seasons leading convoys, planning routes, overseeing and servicing equipment. Hauled over 40,000 tonnes of grain, oversize loads and more.
Tractor work inc. Mowing, Raking, Forage box, Slurry tanking, ploughing, cultivations, drilling, fert spreading, muck and compost spreading, potato planting, Combining, ditch drainage,
About 3500 hours of loader work mostly on straw, grain and potatoes.
Grain and potato storage experience, Potato handling experience including filling bulk and box stores. handled 10,000+ boxes.
Workshop experience and I supply my own tools aswell as a new 8ft ifor williams trailer.
CV can be sent
Email [email protected]
Mob. 07956 630219