I realised recently, that my Inverter has not been uploading any data to Solar Edge and thenc to me, for a couple or 3 months. On checking the meter the panels are still producing, and the inverter is inverting, but I have no idea what or when. No data is getting through to me via the Solar Edge website.
I tried calling the installers but surprise, surprise, even though they are still in business, no call back. I actually had the installers back on 2 occasion because there was moisture in the inverter cabinet which killed the LCD display, and they were supposed to have had another look this Spring but.....
Using advice from some YT support vids, I have rebooted the Inverter, on checking the display at night, it is saying that there is no data link at all, everything is blank. Most of the support guidance assumes wifi link, but ours is hardwired, which is usually solid... Before any screwdriver stuff, I will do a hard reset tomorrow as well...
It seems to me that there are a few areas that could be causing the issue, but pleased to hear of any more suggestions.
Problem in the inverter itself.
Problem with the ethernet cable to the house cabinet, and then to my router.
Problems with my connection to Solar Edge itself.
Last seems ok, So looking at teh first two really...
Somewhere about, I have an ethernet cable tester. Has anyone got any ideas what is in the Inverter, is it a standard ethernet port on the board, with the cable plugged in? So hopefully, easy to pull out and test if necessary!
All suggestions gratefully received. There are 5kW of panels for the house, ground mounted so easy to get to at night
I tried calling the installers but surprise, surprise, even though they are still in business, no call back. I actually had the installers back on 2 occasion because there was moisture in the inverter cabinet which killed the LCD display, and they were supposed to have had another look this Spring but.....
Using advice from some YT support vids, I have rebooted the Inverter, on checking the display at night, it is saying that there is no data link at all, everything is blank. Most of the support guidance assumes wifi link, but ours is hardwired, which is usually solid... Before any screwdriver stuff, I will do a hard reset tomorrow as well...
It seems to me that there are a few areas that could be causing the issue, but pleased to hear of any more suggestions.
Problem in the inverter itself.
Problem with the ethernet cable to the house cabinet, and then to my router.
Problems with my connection to Solar Edge itself.
Last seems ok, So looking at teh first two really...
Somewhere about, I have an ethernet cable tester. Has anyone got any ideas what is in the Inverter, is it a standard ethernet port on the board, with the cable plugged in? So hopefully, easy to pull out and test if necessary!
All suggestions gratefully received. There are 5kW of panels for the house, ground mounted so easy to get to at night
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