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Download PDF Today hybrid rye is grown on over five million hectares worldwide in Europe, Canada and the USA. KWS is actively developing market opportunities to support an increased acreage of this versatile, lower input crop. For the UK, KWS believes this highly productive cereal offers new perspectives for farmers and end users alike! Rye not? Interest in hybrid rye for grain is growing in the UK, not just because of its agronomic merits but also because it adds diversity to the rotation. Recent research demonstrates rye’s benefits as a feed grain for pigs, opening up an expanding market opportunity for growers. CPM finds out more. Nitrogen inputs are far lower – 45% less than is required for a second wheat. By Lucy de la Pasture For many growers 2020 is a year where rotations are coming under real scrutiny. Finding crops to help lengthen the rotation has been on the agenda for a while but with oilseed rape now struggling to hold its place on some farms and increasingly stubborn weather patterns to contend with, it’s now a top priority. Plant breeder KWS believes hybrid rye could provide an answer to many rotational dilemmas so the company has actively…
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