The war in Ukraine...

Russia has lost over 300 planes and a similar number of helicopters to a country that "don't even have that many SAM systems"..... Iraq air defense was sticks and stones compared to the russian systems. Iraq didn't have any missiles with a range of more than 40km, zero ability to detect stealth aircraft and they still took managed to bring down 38 coalition aircraft and significant damaged another 48. I've no doubt such a European force could come to dominate Ukrainian airspace but it would not come without significant costs to achieve and as much as we might wish it, I doubt very much it would be achieved overnight. If the US wasnt involved who will provide that airborn radar capability, the UK doesnt have our own at present, we scrapped it before building the replacements

What meat assults... take Bahkmut, take Advinka both only captured only by russian sending hundreds to near certain death each day just to capture a house, a hole, a hedgerow, to make a few meters more regardless of the cost to life.

That is false.

Iraq was known to have a pretty serious air defence network in 1991. Some people predicted horrific casualties for the coalition.

The Russians don't have jack. You aren't listening: you can't defend territory/air space without aircraft. Where are the Russian airforce? Where are their aerial tankers and airborne radar? The answer- if they actually exist they are miles away in Russia kicking their boots. I'm personally of the opinion that these assets don't actually exist any longer because in reality Russian defence spending is fudge all and has been fudge all for decades.

You will note that the West did not develop huge ranges of air defence systems during the cold war, instead they concentrated on having fleets of aircraft.
Iraq's air defence network was basically smashed within 48 hours of the war starting.

The West should get into Ukraine and chuck these fudgers out. This would never be happening if Thatcher was at the helm.

The reason Russia has lost so many aircraft is because their pilots have poor training and their aircraft are old scrap.
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Western technology is what can win this war, the amount of munitions and bombs already used could have this war won already, the shortage is of intelligence and effective delivery systems, Bakhmut and adviivka only prove how retarded Russian thinking is,Better concede ground and kill Russians than stand fighting and dying for a few sq kilometres,

The whole thinking of Adviivka was to make the Russians attack it desperately and take a lot of losses as a result. Attacking any built up area is a difficult business because the situation gives a huge advantage to the defenders. This has been known for hundreds of years.

Even if you smash it to pieces with artillery or whatever the destruction of buildings paradoxically makes it even harder to attack and clear out. Vehicles operating in such areas without any infantry support have much reduced vision and this makes them very vulnerable to ambush and mines.

essex man

mid you absolutely believe it’s not going to happen, would you support a European alliance to push Russia out of Ukraine then?
I don't care any more about who rules ukraine than i did 10/20/30 years ago.
If it's popular enough it will happen, it won't be because the risk is perceived to be too great.
Your fear about nuclear war is not unique to you.
Putin's impunity to act as he does is partly as a result of it.


Mixed Farmer
I don't care any more about who rules ukraine than i did 10/20/30 years ago.
If it's popular enough it will happen, it won't be because the risk is perceived to be too great.
Your fear about nuclear war is not unique to you.
Putin's impunity to act as he does is partly as a result of it.

i certainly care that my family in the Czech Republic absolutely do not want to be ruled by Russia again.

Actually, I am envious, I would love not to care 😔


Sir Gar / Carms
Two bits of good / potentially good news doing the rounds this evening...

1) Czechia has confirmed that the money has now been found to pay for all of the 800,000 artillery shells it has sourced, some from here and Germany as well as the donors already known of.

2) The German manufacturers of the Taurus cruise missile have publicly stated that they are happy to fully train Ukrainians in the use of the missile, thereby obviating any need for German feet on the ground inside Ukraine. (I bet Olaf Scholz is absolutely delighted at this news... :joyful:)

Of course, there is still no guarantee Taurus will go to Ukraine, but now Mr Scholz has run out of excuses not to send it, there are already British and French cruise missiles there, none have been deployed outside of Ukraine's own territory, the range of Taurus can be limited during manufacture, and there is no need for any Germans to be involved with the system regarding targeting or inside Ukraine. The ball is now very firmly in Olaf's court... 😐

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Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...