Too fat to farm?


Mixed Farmer
actually Ozempic will !

buy shares in them 🙂
Apparently they’re dishing this out to 6 year-olds now. Our world is completely broken when this is actually being considered by people who should know better. Mentioned here;

There’s no mystery to all of this. It’s explained clearly how our westernised diets have progressively damaged the health of tribal peoples around the world as they’ve gained access to our way of "feeding ourselves". Processed and ultra-processed foods and an increasing % of them in our diets. It’s so clear and obvious now it’s just sad.


Mixed Farmer
If only we had some clues as to what is going on…
Tbf, the rise of seed oils goes hand in hand with the rise of UPFs, as they are swimming in the stuff, and as we eat more of the UPFs so we eat more seed oils.
I actually found a bag of crisps in my son’s party bag a while ago where sunflower oil was the first ingredient. I kid you not.



wae up north
I would say my generation ( I am soon to be 60) seen massive changes, school meals were a choice of maybe two things , we had massive canteens in the shipyard with proper cooked dinner then it all changed , I can remember microwave meals became popular, school meals became burger or pizza, the old chippy in town was dwarfed by maccy d etc
Everyone wants convenience and the big corporates sewn it right up . what was a treat is now the norm
.I'm same as you age wise ....our school dinner back in the day ,eat it or starve ,no one had health issues like what plaques society today ...but most of us liked sports (got us out of classroom) we did walk 2 miles to school in summer term too ....


Staff Member
Arable Farmer
Apparently they’re dishing this out to 6 year-olds now. Our world is completely broken when this is actually being considered by people who should know better. Mentioned here;

There’s no mystery to all of this. It’s explained clearly how our westernised diets have progressively damaged the health of tribal peoples around the world as they’ve gained access to our way of "feeding ourselves". Processed and ultra-processed foods and an increasing % of them in our diets. It’s so clear and obvious now it’s just sad.
I tell my children to eat well, keep fit and not spend too much time in a screen and within 10years they will be superhuman vs the average fat idiot

I'm 50 and its likely I will outlive the average 20year old today


Livestock Farmer
Insisted she was vegan but would have the halomi burger, left most of it and ate half of daddys chicken parmo. Entilted generation.
I was heavy smoker for over 30 years. A good mate used to smoke too. He'd sometimes say he was giving up and then start cadging off us! Giving up buying more like! 😂


When I left 10 years ago sodexho had taken over the catering, it was no longer done by army chefs, the meals were like school ones, chips pizza burgers. When I joined in the 90's the food was great, the cookhouse in Brecon was excellent and one could have as much as one wanted the only trouble was the small plates and not much time, so everyone tended to wolf it down as fast as possible, like a labrador.
Soldiers quote from around these parts ;) . "Tonight gentlemen we dine in hell....Sodexho are doing the catering"


Mixed Farmer
the biggest issue today is the total lack of exercise so much crap is talked about low this low that. The truth is sugar consumption has dropped off a cliff it is less than half when I was a kid 60 years ago.
sugar is an appetite suppressant and possibly it would be a big help if we ate more , except it is not good for teeth.
one major issue is that appetite is promoted by eating or drinking anything sweet , the problem is that after this dose of zero calory s**t there is no sugar hit to tell the body enough is enough , so you keep chomping through that Mcdonalds/ KFC / hot dog/ or any other unhealthy possibly low, salt/sugar organic /vegan ultra processed s***e from a mega factory
Although sugar is certainly not as clear cut as many believe, needs to be in context. I think this is US data;


Then we have UK;


Then back to the US, note the numbers on the left axis;



Mixed Farmer
No insulin only spikes when blood sugar spikes. Body reacts to food tasting sweet, it is nature that has been built in over millions of years that sweet food is good to eat and we should gorge on it in case of no food tomorrow. Body only hits the stop button in two ways. First sugar enters the blood stream and tells body enough, if no sugar rush the body says keep going till we are totally gorged.
Apparently sweeteners also cause an insulin spike, although possibly not as pronounced as with glucose, but responds nevertheless. I only found that out recently, every day’s a school day.


I have quite a few youngsters help me at various times of year. Vet students, 15 year old work experience kids, ag college students, the odd NEET from the county council.

Most are ok, some are very good, some are muppets. However the thread that runs between nearly all the youngsters that are hard going is that they are overweight. The heavy ones can’t keep up, can’t do the work, need to sit down and are generally a liability. If you can’t muck out 5 lambing pens without needing a rest you have a problem. Or if you can’t keep up as we walk a flock of sheep a mile down the road. These are both incidents I’ve had in the past month.

In some ways I feel sorry for them, if you’re 5 stone overweight by the age of 18 and don’t have many academic qualifications I’d say you’re virtually unemployable.

How does society sort out the physical shape of today’s youth? Do we put so much emphasis on classroom education that children don’t do enough exercise? Realistically sport at school should be daily and compulsory. Healthy body, healthy mind. Or is it time for a form of national service?

Fitter people would benefit all sectors of the economy- especially farming!
Our kids primary school started doing the "daily mile" a few years ago, I do think its introduction made a massive difference to the average health and fitness of all the kids. We are lucky ours are all very active, if anything for us the issue can be getting enough into them! Folk do not get 5 stone overweight overnight its a gradual process which could be simply rectified by timely intervention. I would love to see a scheme in which kids had "health checks" every six months which include weights and start with subtle nudges to those who fall above (or below) healthy weights, less subtle nudges for those who continue to fattern, compulsary Saturday fat camp, weekend fat camp, residential weekend fat camp.... Lets start now with the 5 years olds and then carry it out throughout their adulthood we could eradicate obesity in those born after 2020 (y)


North of York
Kettle in the workshop was the start of the slope. #
Fridge for milk.
Space for other stuff. :(

Only have one bag of crisps a day.

Belmont (Aldi) Choccy chip cookies or Oaties are never going to go stale.

Trying to buy scotch eggs now as a none carb based snack.
Then the dog can partake too.
Forkfull of pickle and just eat one like an apple. (me, not the dog)


Mixed Farmer
Each can has about 5-6 teaspoons of refined sugar in it 🙈☹️
I like the stuff as well but limit myself to the full fat version only when out and about.

May home it’s the zero sugar stuff as dictated by the scary finance lady and no more than a odd can or so a day

in my defence I do manage 7-10,000 steps most days according to my fone app especially during winter wen doing paddling about jobs. And am capable of walking up a hill without constant stops or needing a defribulator
I keep telling you guys the same thing: eating stuff triggers insulin release. That is what is supposed to happen. Without insulin the average cells of your body do not have 'permission' to access nutrients in the blood stream. This is why someone can be a type 1 diabetic and be literally starving despite eating whatever they like.

Again, as with the cholesterol thing- it's not as simple as just not eating X or making sure you consume Y- the body manufactures these things endogenously to suit it's own demands.

'....In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that meat intake is associated with fasting glucose and insulin concentrations in Caucasians without diabetes mellitus. This association is not dependent on genetic variation of loci previously shown to be associated with a fasting glucose/β cell function or insulin resistance from GRSs. This study adds to the growing body of evidence that suggests that meat intake is associated with higher glucose and insulin concentrations....'

Mind, I'm not saying that eating a burger is like eating 2 bags of Haribo but even so, don't go around thinking insulin or carbs or sugar are all automatically bad for you and that you can fool hundreds of thousands of years of evolution by avoiding certain food groups.
I like the stuff as well but limit myself to the full fat version only when out and about.

May home it’s the zero sugar stuff as dictated by the scary finance lady and no more than a odd can or so a day

in my defence I do manage 7-10,000 steps most days according to my fone app especially during winter wen doing paddling about jobs. And am capable of walking up a hill without constant stops or needing a defribulator
I think you’ll find the zero sugar pop is equally as bad for you as full fat as it’s laden with artificial sweeteners…. But it makes people think it’s healthier so they buy even more…


Bury St Edmunds
I think you’ll find the zero sugar pop is equally as bad for you as full fat as it’s laden with artificial sweeteners…. But it makes people think it’s healthier so they buy even more…
It also encourages the body to drink and eat more than it would as it gets the message sweet = good = gorge but it never sends the follow up message blood sugar rising fast, slow down


As you say, third worlds that then get a "taste" of the wests diet, and the ease of getting food 24 seven soon changes the shape, weight and health of them?


Mixed Farmer
I keep telling you guys the same thing: eating stuff triggers insulin release. That is what is supposed to happen. Without insulin the average cells of your body do not have 'permission' to access nutrients in the blood stream. This is why someone can be a type 1 diabetic and be literally starving despite eating whatever they like.

Again, as with the cholesterol thing- it's not as simple as just not eating X or making sure you consume Y- the body manufactures these things endogenously to suit it's own demands.

'....In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that meat intake is associated with fasting glucose and insulin concentrations in Caucasians without diabetes mellitus. This association is not dependent on genetic variation of loci previously shown to be associated with a fasting glucose/β cell function or insulin resistance from GRSs. This study adds to the growing body of evidence that suggests that meat intake is associated with higher glucose and insulin concentrations....'

Mind, I'm not saying that eating a burger is like eating 2 bags of Haribo but even so, don't go around thinking insulin or carbs or sugar are all automatically bad for you and that you can fool hundreds of thousands of years of evolution by avoiding certain food groups.


That’s the trouble with "is associated with". Far too many people seem to think it’s the same thing as "cause".

Oh, and let’s not mention the huge number of people who have cured their T2 diabetes by going on a carnivore diet. How does that "association" work then? Not that I’m advocating people try carnivore. I couldn’t care less frankly. Just stop eating crap would be a start.
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That’s the trouble with "is associated with". Far too many people seem to think it’s the same thing as "cause".

That is a great graph.

But the article I linked examined actual data involving measurements taken from individuals- primary research. You just have two lines on a page and no way of knowing if they are interlinked or not and what confounding factors may be present.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...