Written by Charlotte Cunningham
A webinar series exploring the global opportunities, barriers and success stories surrounding legume production will kick off in April and UK growers are invited to attend for free. Charlotte Cunningham reports. The LegValue and TRUE project is delivering the programme of events hosted by experts from across Europe who aim to unlock the potential for greater production across the globe. UK farmers and industry stakeholders are being urged to participate by the Processors and Growers Research Organisation, which is a partner member of the LegValue and TRUE project. The PGRO’s chief executive, Roger Vickers, said: “Pulses have an incredibly bright future, both for farmers who want to grow a sustainable, diverse rotation, and for consumers seeking a versatile, protein-rich food with multiple health benefits. “I believe that pulses can fit hand-in-glove with the UK’s new Environmental Land Management schemes, so now is an opportune time to re-double our efforts in sharing information and understanding which is what this project is all about.” The online events mark the end of two collaborative EU Horizon-2020 funded projects which aimed to empower legume-supported food and feed production in across Europe. The creation of a new Legume Innovation Network will build on the projects’…
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