Walkers- Coronavirus

Don't know if anyone else if experiencing more and more walkers with dogs through since the new lockdown measures in place. Seem to be resting more on our farmyards and hanging around the styles. Especially worrying seen as though its lambing time.

Seen people walking through at 6 in the morning and not coming backdown till the evening. Definitely not their daily 20 min walk.

Is it the same elsewhere, we're in West Yorkshire.


Sir Gar / Carms

Don't know if anyone else if experiencing more and more walkers with dogs through since the new lockdown measures in place. Seem to be resting more on our farmyards and hanging around the styles. Especially worrying seen as though its lambing time.

Seen people walking through at 6 in the morning and not coming backdown till the evening. Definitely not their daily 20 min walk.

Is it the same elsewhere, we're in West Yorkshire.
There is a thread about footpaths in the Covid 19 section. I've e-mailed my MP about it, do the same. (y)


Unfortunately with everything in life there are the minority who ruin it for the majority. I am working from home, the dog has the run of the garden but I and him need to walk and exercise once a day. I have planned my walks around the footpaths around here, some across farmland and some through woods etc, however I have been avoiding farm buildings, farm yards, paths that cross private houses etc etc.
If everyone used common sense it would be fine, but I do also appreciate that you guys wouldn't want people on your yards etc.


Arable Farmer

Don't know if anyone else if experiencing more and more walkers with dogs through since the new lockdown measures in place. Seem to be resting more on our farmyards and hanging around the styles. Especially worrying seen as though its lambing time.

Seen people walking through at 6 in the morning and not coming backdown till the evening. Definitely not their daily 20 min walk.

Is it the same elsewhere, we're in West Yorkshire.
Seeing as Covid regs prevent the 'round-up a possie and lynch them' option, why not strategically move a midden or 2 to create a 'Berlin Wall' of sh!t?

Or you could put up a *polite* sign explaining that they're really not welcome in your yard.


Loads of them but not had any issues and never felt so popular ;)
People genuinely seem pleased to see someone else as they go past with big friendly waves in acknowledgment of us all being in the same boat kind of way as they go past.
Some stop to look at the cattle in the open sided shed but nobody hangs around for long, quick chat at a distance and they are on their way.

We as farmers are lucky to have a farm to go and work on and self isolate. Can’t be much fun being cooped up with nowhere to go all day.
Maybe those up here are better educated having had 15 years of right to roam laws and core paths but so long as they are not raking about in my buildings i have no issue with current situation.

Ive got more of an issue with the 3 loads of wheat that went away today still needing me to fill out a passport to give to the driver to fill out his bit and give to the end user at the other end. What’s that all about?
Loads of emails from assurance schemes saying they are stopping on farm assessments to protect their staff but not a cheap about this:(

Don't know if anyone else if experiencing more and more walkers with dogs through since the new lockdown measures in place. Seem to be resting more on our farmyards and hanging around the styles. Especially worrying seen as though its lambing time.

Seen people walking through at 6 in the morning and not coming backdown till the evening. Definitely not their daily 20 min walk.

Is it the same elsewhere, we're in West Yorkshire.
Yes , and more so! And I think re're "just round the corner" from you.


Livestock Farmer
Mendips Somerset
where we can ,, give them a brake , they will go stir crazy shut in house , Walkers might be your friend to turn over a stuck ewe or see a problem with other stock if you ask them , as long as dogs are under control , will pay dividends when its all over and they carry on keeping an eye open on their walks .Always pleased to see my regulars here


Livestock Farmer
Published 27 March 2020
From:Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Forestry Commission, Environment Agency, and Natural England

People walking through green space.

People walking through green space.
The government’s priority is to save lives and the best way to protect yourself and others from illness is to stay at home.
However, exercise is still important for people’s physical and mental wellbeing, so the government has said people can leave their homes for exercise once a day.
Please use the following guidance in order to stay safe:
  • stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily
  • you should only go outside alone or with members of your own household
  • keep at least 2 metres apart from anyone outside your household at all times
  • gatherings of more than two in parks or other public spaces have been banned and the police will enforce this
  • if you have a garden, make use of the space for exercise and fresh air
  • take hygiene precautions when you are outside, and wash your hands as soon as you are back indoors
Please see the latest government guidance on social distancing.
Please be aware that if you are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus illness (COVID-19) or at risk of severe illness if you catch coronavirus, then you must stay at home. See the latest guidance from Public Health England.


Arable Farmer
I haven't looked in the bear pit of the CV forum recently as I think I've heard from enough doctors & virologist professionals, so apologies if this has been replicated elsewhere.

Every day seem like a bank holiday weekend. The sheer numbers of walkers is amazing. As long as they stick to the paths, I see no problem with them being out in the open. I've advised my staff to wear gloves when opening gates off rights of way in case of contamination, that's all. So, why is Ms Patel trying to stop "non essential journeys to walk dogs?" The whole idea of the lockdown is to reduce human to human proximity, not reduce road miles. Where else will they go? To the overcrowded parks where they are 100x as likely to pick the virus up?? If you lock people in, they will just push back. Be sensible and don't stop folk driving a bit further to find a quiet spot for a walk.
Not too impressed with our walkers.
Plenty of immigrants, self isolating by the sea too.
But last night, a commotion in the cattle yards, as some kind soul flashed a laser torch around. This was 11 pm, when daughter was on the night lambing inspection. She came back, a bit unsettled, fetched reinforcements and the farm dog.


We had some walkers earlier in the week whilst we were fencing, we were a bit peed off:mad:. However, when some stopped for a chat it soon became apparent that most have little open space where they live and need a change of scenery, One young man openly admitted that he had mental health issues and needed to leave his house on a daily basis to prevent him from having suicidal thoughts, another had a heart pacemaker I think he said and had to do so many thousands of steps daily etc.

All the walkers were polite, most gave a smile or said hi as they went past, as long as they cause no damage we should let them be, after all the city folk don't complain when farmers enter the cities.


Livestock Farmer
North Somerset.
Remember to wash your hands even if you are wearing gloves. It is the mechanical transfer of the virus from contact surfaces to your nose, eyes or mouth that will infect you. This will happen if you are wearing gloves or not Regarding walkers, carry a loaded gun to deal with their dogs and a spray filled with Vircon ( £2 sachet makes 5 litres) to spray the contact surfaces on gates and Stiles before you touch them.Foot and mouth rules OK!


Arable Farmer
I am getting a bit pished off with these townies with dogs in the countryside, spreading the virus to those of us trying to self isolate and look after the welfare of elderly family members. they keep stopping to chat to my 80 year old father whilst the dogs run about out of control. So far i have had to redirect 24 people out of our yard onto clearly marked footpaths. grrrrrrrrrrr


Livestock Farmer
I haven't looked in the bear pit of the CV forum recently as I think I've heard from enough doctors & virologist professionals, so apologies if this has been replicated elsewhere.

Every day seem like a bank holiday weekend. The sheer numbers of walkers is amazing. As long as they stick to the paths, I see no problem with them being out in the open. I've advised my staff to wear gloves when opening gates off rights of way in case of contamination, that's all. So, why is Ms Patel trying to stop "non essential journeys to walk dogs?" The whole idea of the lockdown is to reduce human to human proximity, not reduce road miles. Where else will they go? To the overcrowded parks where they are 100x as likely to pick the virus up?? If you lock people in, they will just push back. Be sensible and don't stop folk driving a bit further to find a quiet spot for a walk.
The problem with it is they will be taking infection with them, and if they are from a clean area they may take infection back with them. So spreading the virus to a previously healthy subpopulation. The stay within a mile of your door idea seems very sensible to me.


Arable Farmer
The problem with it is they will be taking infection with them, and if they are from a clean area they may take infection back with them. So spreading the virus to a previously healthy subpopulation. The stay within a mile of your door idea seems very sensible to me.

Only a risk if you get close to them or touch what they have.

Phil P

Arable Farmer
North West
Only a risk if you get close to them or touch what they have.
We’ve been plagued with folk all week! Now bare in mind that I live in a small village with less than 100 houses and the average age of the residents will be getting on towards 60-90 years of age. Is it fair on them to have a constant stream of people from out the area not just walking through but turning up in multiple vehicles with kids an dogs! It was bad enough before the lockdown but it’s just ridiculous now! This is also now further restricting the ability of residents to step outside their own door, I don’t think that’s really fair is it?

There has been a constant stream of cars coming and going all day next to the field I’ve been in, people with dogs or going for a picnic with kid’s

Then there’s the ones the just park on the field, and block the foot path as well.

Have you taken any land out of production from last autumn?

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Fields to Fork Festival 2025 offers discounted tickets for the farming community.

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The Fields to Fork Festival celebrating country life, good food and backing British farming is due to take over Whitebottom Farm, Manchester, on 3rd & 4th May 2025!

Set against the idyllic backdrop of Whitebottom Farm, the festival will be an unforgettable weekend of live music, award-winning chefs, and gourmet food and drink, all while supporting UK’s farmers and food producers. As a way to show appreciation for everyone in the farming community, discounted tickets are on offer for those working in the agricultural sectors.

Alexander McLaren, Founder of Fields to Fork Festival says “British produce and rural culture has never needed the spotlight more than it does today. This festival is our way of celebrating everything that makes...