Reading other peoples horror stories about harvest elsewhere on the forum, I'm minded to keep my head down as things don't seem too bad here. It's not been a record breaking harvest (and we've still got a fair bit of spring wheat to cut), but things haven't gone too badly and it's been a cheap year spray-wise. One of the first things that strikes me is how well the soil has stood up to the wet winter and hot, dry early summer. We probably haven't had as much rain as a lot of you, but the ground travels beautifully, you can't see where the combine or corn-carts have been and the cover crops are going into a lovely tilth.
We managed to drill almost everything we intended in the autumn, as the undisturbed soil took the small amount of traffic required to slot the seed in, despite the wet. Three or four fields were resown in the spring as they weren't going to make a crop, but otherwise we were happy. Likewise the spring sowing went ok, but the following drought knocked their potential, but yields on the whole haven't been disastrous. The vital point from a resilient farm point of view is that costs are minimal, so exposure to risk is much reduced.
How are others finding this year? Were your soils able to provide your crops with water and nourishment through the hot spell? Or are you all joining the frenzy of plough buying?
We managed to drill almost everything we intended in the autumn, as the undisturbed soil took the small amount of traffic required to slot the seed in, despite the wet. Three or four fields were resown in the spring as they weren't going to make a crop, but otherwise we were happy. Likewise the spring sowing went ok, but the following drought knocked their potential, but yields on the whole haven't been disastrous. The vital point from a resilient farm point of view is that costs are minimal, so exposure to risk is much reduced.
How are others finding this year? Were your soils able to provide your crops with water and nourishment through the hot spell? Or are you all joining the frenzy of plough buying?