What has happened to our Country?

Why do they want back?
Still deciding... All input welcome...

Ah, Davie, Davie... I have only read the last page of this thread (and normally do not participate until I have read the whole of the thread) but the reason we will come back is right outside your door. Where else in the world can you see what you can see, and where else in the world could you walk inside that door and meet better people?
Ah, Davie, Davie... I have only read the last page of this thread (and normally do not participate until I have read the whole of the thread) but the reason we will come back is right outside your door. Where else in the world can you see what you can see
its mainly the view thats keeping me here just now...
My wife is a GP without foreign doctors this country would be fudge3d, she wants to move to Canada if we didn't have family and assets here, we would have moved years ago like thousands of others.

Why would the UK be "fudg3d" as you put it without foreign doctors? Why can the UK not train sufficient of its own people, who I am sure are of at least equal intelligence to any other nation, to fulfill the need for doctors?

Why can you not move? I have been around the world and back again and am now half way through my second circumnavigation. I am only 74 and offering my present house and land for sale with a view to moving on before I eventually settle down back in Scotland. You could do it if you wanted to, but obviously you do not, so stop bleating.
I still regularly pull up that photo you took for me a few years ago of Dalnaspiddle.
Ah yes, dalnaspidal.. The old retired keeper died a month ago, top bloke. We used to go up there for hogmanay when i was young, him and father would put a few bottles of drink away:) long time ago now.

Its a good case of "what has happened to our country"
owned by foreigners, nothing spectacularly odd or bad about that, but they've carved hill roads across the whole place. Just as nearly every other estate around here has. They buy an isolated (well not that isolated with the main road beside it) part of a beautiful country and then go ruin it so they don't need to walk across it, which is the whole point of having a place like that in the first place, to be in amongst nature and the elements.
I used to go out with my dad and take deer off the hill with ponies, and sometimes with a snow trac, neither of them left much of a mark. Now its all cut up with Argo cats and quad bikes. :(



Why do they want back?
Still deciding... All input welcome...
I know two who emigrated in the 90`s and they are fed up of the winters and want back they have looked at other countries as well but all to expensive as Canadian farms are cheaper, they feel they cant afford to come back, well at least to come back to farm any way, going the other way was the easy bit, but in answer to your question weather is why sick of the winters, to hard and too long and every year not like here quite often get an open winter.


Long and cold... Very cold... But sunny. No mud till spring..
I think they find the constant extreme cold very tiresome after a while, get 3 weeks of it here and the novelty factor has well gone 6 months year after year ........ not for me , alot think they will like it but when they get their different ball game, some do like it i know one family settled very well by all accounts.
I think they find the constant extreme cold very tiresome after a while, get 3 weeks of it here and the novelty factor has well gone 6 months year after year ........ not for me , alot think they will like it but when they get their different ball game, some do like it i know one family settled very well by all accounts.
Hmmm.. Would have to try it to find out i suppose. It would also depend on your interests. Im quite happy in my shed, its pretty much unbearable here with the damp, the constant changes from cold to wet and warm really sicken me.


Hmmm.. Would have to try it to find out i suppose. It would also depend on your interests. Im quite happy in my shed, its pretty much unbearable here with the damp, the constant changes from cold to wet and warm really sicken me.
Build a new shed with insulated sheets under floor heating etc only live once but i know what you mean the weather can be blooming depressing here.


I get my world view from what happens or is happening where i live and have lived all my life? maybe thats the problem? the fact yesteday my brother said a farmer we know well phoned him up the other evening did he see his teleporter go past his house, it had been stolen from his farmyard. I wish i could have taken a picture because surprise surprise what turned up at our gates yesterday afternoon not one but two police cars? asking us if we had any concerns?


Bay of Plenty NZ
You could easily sell uk assets , and by the way problems with immigrants in Canada as well, all uk people i know who went to Canada want back and cant get back as its to dear here for them now.
All the ones I know want to stay and would not dream of going back.

The figures are about 50% here, of the immigrants that come from the UK about half go back, mostly because they cannot settle or do not adapt to Kiwi life, Canada would be about the same.


Why would the UK be "fudg3d" as you put it without foreign doctors? Why can the UK not train sufficient of its own people, who I am sure are of at least equal intelligence to any other nation, to fulfill the need for doctors?

Why can you not move? I have been around the world and back again and am now half way through my second circumnavigation. I am only 74 and offering my present house and land for sale with a view to moving on before I eventually settle down back in Scotland. You could do it if you wanted to, but obviously you do not, so stop bleating.

I don't know the exact reasons, so I won't make them up to sound clever, all I know is that there is a shortage of home grown doctors. It's stressful work, the rewards aren't great for the first few years of employment and other countries are more than happy to invite them over offering better salaries so quite a few leave. We poach Indian doctors, so its swings and roundabouts.

Your situation is different to ours we have children at school who enjoy living here, we both have elderly parents with illnesses and we feel like we have a duty to look after them to the best of our abilities whilst they are still alive. Then far less importantly we have business interests here.


All the ones I know want to stay and would not dream of going back.

The figures are about 50% here, of the immigrants that come from the UK about half go back, mostly because they cannot settle or do not adapt to Kiwi life, Canada would be about the same.
Quite a few English Farmers leave Scotland as well, i dont now official figures but some don`t like it , i think the older you are the hard it is to settle in new place.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 119 38.6%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.3%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 243
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...