I took a hire ram in from the farmer that sold us our ewes. He said all was well with him etc and we trusted this and didn’t quarantine.
Not long after noticed him rubbing himself against fences etc. Have seen ours have a little itch every now and again so didn’t think anything of it. Then saw his wool was coming out on his side and tummy. Then some of the ewes started looking patchy ?
Long story short, the guy came over and treated the whole lot of them with Zermex (for sheep scab). He said they wouldn’t stop itching straight away but we’re almost two weeks since dose now and still some ewes are agitating themselves. Haven’t seen the ram doing it so much, although a bit of wool loss of his other side now and I obvs don’t stand watching them all day. So does anyone have any experience with Zermex and how long it may take to have an affect?
I do appreciate that:
a) it might be lice, not scab, in which case Zermex wouldn’t be effective
b) a vet would be able to take a sample scrape and see which it was
c) we should’ve observed a quarantine period
I’ve attached a photo which shows an example of the patches. They are localised. I would’ve thought lice would have been more general itchiness as they’d be throughout the fleece?
Not long after noticed him rubbing himself against fences etc. Have seen ours have a little itch every now and again so didn’t think anything of it. Then saw his wool was coming out on his side and tummy. Then some of the ewes started looking patchy ?
Long story short, the guy came over and treated the whole lot of them with Zermex (for sheep scab). He said they wouldn’t stop itching straight away but we’re almost two weeks since dose now and still some ewes are agitating themselves. Haven’t seen the ram doing it so much, although a bit of wool loss of his other side now and I obvs don’t stand watching them all day. So does anyone have any experience with Zermex and how long it may take to have an affect?
I do appreciate that:
a) it might be lice, not scab, in which case Zermex wouldn’t be effective
b) a vet would be able to take a sample scrape and see which it was
c) we should’ve observed a quarantine period
I’ve attached a photo which shows an example of the patches. They are localised. I would’ve thought lice would have been more general itchiness as they’d be throughout the fleece?