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    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Cow Alert.
      I have Delaval collars on my girls for I.d ad they come into the parlour ,approx system, had anybody put the heat detection...
    • Joeblue
      Sorry for misunderstanding is 37.15ppl for milk at 3.60 butterfat and 3.30 protein or is it for your constituents
    • Joeblue
      Is that at 3.3 and 3.6 base price
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue reacted to Will Blackburn's post in the thread Milk Price Tracker with Like Like.
      Subject to CMA approval.
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
      It's actually npk+sulphur 29:0:14:S so 200kg /acre is 64 units so if the slurry is 9:5;32 we should be ok with 224 units what do you...
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
      Have you enough k ,if the slurry if the slurry is 9.5.32 (max)
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
      4 50 kg bags which would be 116 units of n per acre + if there is 9 units in 1000gal of slurry would be 151 units per acre.
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Maize 24.
      Setting maize Monday the ground has got 5000 gallons of good cattle slurry and is index4 P and 2 K, is 4 bags of 29 0 14 s enough or too...
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Holstein Bulls.
      Thanks served a lot of cows last year with him his proofs look good .
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Holstein Bulls.
      Anyone have any Crown red heifers milking ?
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue reacted to GTE's post in the thread Alpro with Like Like.
      Its under Group Data 6:2:1 from main menu. Each group needs to be given feed and milking permission. Below photo shows Group 1 have...
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Alpro.
      Thanks GTE,local dealer sorted it out the previous owner had a antibiotic group which were not to be milked in the system, simple to...
    • Joeblue
      Joeblue replied to the thread Alpro.
      Got a 2nd hand alpro as Delaval wouldn't fix my old one ,working well except for my low yielders the cluster won't drop and I have to...
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The London Palladium event “BPR Seminar”

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This is our next step following the London rally 🚜

BPR is not just a farming issue, it affects ALL business, it removes incentive to invest for growth

Join us @LondonPalladium on the 16th for beginning of UK business fight back👍
