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ally max

  1. W

    T1 winter wheat

    What are people using and when are you starting
  2. DanniAgro

    Controlling groundsel?

    Annoyingly, I see that I've missed a strip in one of my wheat fields, which is nearly at T1, and a large patch of well grown groundsel is very noticeable. What can I use to kill it, given that all the chemicals in the spray store don't say that they will control it? Presently I have Eagle...
  3. AT Aloss

    Register as a user of professional plant protection products (PPPs) and adjuvants

    This isn't an April Fool. If you are professionally applying plant protection products in agriculture or amenity, you will need to register by 22 June 2022. This is a new legal requirement, regardless of size of your business. The requirement is governed by the Official Controls (Plant...
  4. Alistair Nelson

    Andrew Ward's Drill Demo Day

    Anybody go? The Good, the Bad, the Ugly? Watching the first video on Youtube ground conditions looked testing with wet clay land and the soil pit actually filling with water overnight!! Interested to hear people who went thoughts? Cheers Alistair
  5. Norfolk Hill Farmer

    Sowing late Stubble Turnips

    I know the latest date for sowing ST has been covered a few times on here so apologies. I have 40 acres available to me that we could possibly get in in the next day or two, if I uped the seed rate ,and made it come as thick as cress, would that compensate for the lack of growing time to make...
  6. W

    Extase potential problems

    I have heard from my agronomist today that someone not far from me PE9 postcode, has been harvesting extase with a yield of about 2 t/ha. Apparently KwS are looking into this. Has anyone else had any problems.?
  7. Tractor Boy

    Ally max rainfastness

    Got caught out spraying this morning when the rain came an hour early. I was spraying spring wheat with Ally Max SX, hurler (fluroxypyr) and some trace elements. Obviously the Ally was the main product I was worried about. Officially rainfastness is 2 hours. The leaves were dry and the sun was...
  8. Ormond

    Spring barley BLW control and rates

    Been given a recommendation for week control in spring barley. 75g/ ha counter sx 0.3 l/ha Pixxaro Seems a heavy dose to me.....just the usual suspects to deal with and not too big atvthr moment. Advice needed. Thanks
  9. Still Farming

    Spring sow oats weeds

    Sown oats , glysophate any weed flush before crop emergence. April drought conditions also killed lot of weeds in cultivation. Corn taking ages to come up snd now it is how behold the bloody weeds like redshank etc. Taking off? Any ideas as not much recommended?
  10. cquick

    Broadway Star Performance 2021

    Performance has been utterly pants on Sterile brome this year. Previous years it kills most of them, but always leaves a few stunted plants to return seed and continue the cycle. This year there are healthy plants all over the crop. Do I just put it down to the cold April allowing the brome to...
  11. Bigjon44

    Blw control in spring barley

    Evening all Whats the best option for mayweed and ivy speedwell control in spring barley. Conditions very dry and barley stressed!!
  12. JCfarmer

    Winter oats not looking happy at the moment!

    Has anyone got red/brown tipped leaves. Agronomist thinks its the cold dry weather we've had, I hope anyway! He said other clients have the same. Sprayed 10 days ago with 1.25 l Chlormequat 0.5 l Tubosan 0.1 l Moddus 0.4 l Starane 21g Ally Max Started spraying after 10 in the morning and...
  13. Laggard

    Planet Spring barley fungicide

    Have used 0.5l/ha Jaunt (Fluoxastrobin(75g/l) Prothioconazole(150g/l) Trifloxystrobin(75g/l)) the last couple of years with good results( have both been very dry springs with low levels of disease). With the loss of CTL what are people using this year?
  14. snipe

    Spraying with a frost at night.

    Got some fungicide, growth reg and manganese to go on wheat and barley but keep getting -1 for a few hours early morning. I’m holding off at the moment, are people still spraying and do they have any bad scorching
  15. czechmate


    I have a small patch of oats which due to low rate liberator have no weeds👍, except cleavers. I don’t have a starane type product but I do still have a lot of MCPA and 24d which I mix for grass fields. Would on of those or a mix kill cleavers? The labels only talk about perennial weeds🤷‍♂️ tia
  16. Demolition Man

    SSSI Spring Barley herbicides

    Hi folks, just been granted consent to plant some spring barley on SSSI. Unfortunately they have refused consent to let me use Ally Max as a herbicide as they deem it toxic to bugs etc. They have asked me to submit application for consent for alternatives. Thought the collective brains on here...
  17. Tractor Boy

    Cranesbill in winter barley

    I’ve got a problem with large cranesbill in winter barley. The barley was direct drilled into wheat stubble which had received 4L/ha glyphosate a few days prior to drilling. Unfortunately it would appear that large cranesbill won’t die from glyphosate. I’ve now got dinner plate sized cranesbill...
  18. HarryB97

    Applying no bagged P or K to crops

    I have increasingly been reading that more no till farmers are applying no bagged P or K and find that their indices are not decreasing. Are any members on here finding the same? We have recently moved to no till and the back bone of our rotation is 3-4 year grazed and silaged leys, all straw...
  19. Jerry

    State of your crops?

    Given the late drilling date and the amount of rain that’s gone on them I’m pleasantly pleased with the state of my crops. I do have two small fields that are below par but most are looking well. How are others looking? Wheat and barley below, no rape this year but locally it looks well.
  20. phr49

    Beet yields 2020

    How are we finding early yields did see some optimism on FWI site saying yields better than anticipated ........?!BS predicting 10-15% reduction in yields as an average . Had a colleague lift a fair tonnage Norfolk way with a disappointing 18 t acre adjusted . Not looking forward to lifting...