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  1. TelesnaAg

    Weed killing Chemical makes better soil conditions for more weeds.

    Im sure alot of people have seen the phenomenon when spraying, you kill weeds them more grow next year etc, ive seen it a bunch but never understood why, im guessing now its becuase them chemical kills the microbes and the only thing that will grow is weeds? Ive sprayed gras out on drains with...
  2. L

    How to plant swedes

    so im planning on laying down 10ha to swedes but i dont know what is the most cost effective way of doing it, ive heard that all you need to do is kill off the lay 2 weeks before seeding, lay fert down at 200 weigh an acre then drill the seeds in with slug pellets. ive heard you need to put...
  3. D

    Charlock Invasion

    We’ve never really seen it before but what started as a small patch on an environmental strip has now swamped 4 acres of crap OSR. It’s a carpet of small yellow flowers atop a small dark green plant that looks like a tomato plant type leaf. I think I will glypho the 4 acres soon as the OSR isn’t...
  4. Derrick Hughes

    Growing For The Environment [Wales]

    Question For @Nielo I expect but anyone who knows Undersown Cereals with Legume Herb grass mix ,do you know how much Barley and Peas per acre , Sorry I know I'm being lazy I should look myself Thanks And Happy Easter
  5. nick...

    Ab8/15 drilling dates

    Got the above to put in.ab8 for 6 metre margins and ab15 legume mixes in fields.when is best time to drill.paper work says early summer but I’m thinking April for the margins and late April or May for the legume mixes.would like to get it in in reasonable time in case we get a drought...
  6. Derrick Hughes

    Maincrop Turnips

    Green Globe or Massif ?? Straight easy question Thanks for any feedback 😀
  7. Agriland RSS

    Clubroot threat to expansion of oilseed rape acreage

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Teagasc has confirmed that the growing threat of clubroot could hamper the further expansion of Ireland’s oilseed rape (OSR) acreage. The disease has become an issue on a number of farms this year, according to tillage specialist, Shay Phelan...
  8. Jerry

    State of your crops 2023

    Well I guess it’s time to start another annual thread about how peoples crops are looking at the start of the year. All pics taken today. Generally I’m pretty happy at present other than one but of rape that looks a bit thin in places thanks mainly to pheasants🙄 Wheats Skyfall Two year...
  9. # Robin

    Fox shortage?

    Hi all, is there a general shortage of Fox? Have had some on order for a while... Walking OSR this morning and the frosts haven’t keeled the charlock. Any other alternatives? Cheers
  10. average farmer

    Is this worth keeping

    OSR with lots of flea beetle larvae seems Better around the headlands but lots of larvae damage per plant.
  11. Pilatus

    Is topping forward W. OSR beneficial or detrimental to it?

    Just wondered if any of you top your forward W.OSR as alternative to grazing it, if don’t have your own sheep.
  12. G

    F##k me thers some water about

    Just back from 44 mile round trip to drop some cattle at mart theres been some water come down last night big puddles all over on the roads
  13. TFF

    3 key Rothamsted research areas and how farmers will benefit 2022-10-21

    © AdobeStock/megaflopp A strong link between research and practice has never been more vital. We talk to leading researchers and independent crop consultants to see how science at the world’s oldest research centre will help arable farmers tackle their biggest challenges. See also: How West...
  14. W

    Grazing Oil seed rape

    Been asked by the local arable farmer for me to graze one field of rape like an experiment as its over 3 ft tall and looking almost to well , has a anyone on her ever done this and got any advise , as I am the grazier I really want it to work as he grows around 600 ac of it in total ! are my...
  15. CPM RSS

    Bigger worries than weeds

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Moisture has been the defining difference between healthy and forward oilseed rape crops and others falling foul of cabbage stem flea beetle. CPM looks at how weed management should be tailored to crop growth this autumn. By Melanie...
  16. Jerry


    Westerwolds is new to me, drilled 2 weeks ago after barley. Pic taken couple of days ago and it’s starting to shift now. And been mild and wet last couple days in the balmy south!! How soon do people graze it? Hoping to put ewes on in about 8 weeks.
  17. D

    Anyone still drill vegetable brassica.

    We always used to drill all the brassica, was easy with Yaltox or Gigant seed dressing. It worked ok ish sometimes a bit gappy & weed control could be fun. Still going to transplant the first batch (lots of sprouts) & maybe last batch (winter caulie) The middle batches starting to be...
  18. S

    Vetch Rye spray options

    Are there any Vetch/ Hybrid Rye safe pre emergents or post emergents? Looking to kill docks, chickweed and maybe redshank if possible.
  19. TFF

    Charlock Management in Organic Systems

    RESOURCE EXPLAINED: Charlock (Sinapis arvensis L.), a widespread annual weed, is a particular problem in spring-sown crops and can cause serious infestation of winter arable crops. It is especially prevalent on clay and heavy soil and calcareous loams. This leaflet on the control of charlock...
  20. bobk

    Pre em for winter beans

    Spoke with agro regarding a rec for this , good gear but ffs it was expensive What do you do ?