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  1. spikeislander

    Is there a margin in regen farming?

    Please excuse the direct question. But if you were given the chance to enter a contract share farming agreement on a block which would have to be regeneratively farmed, would there be a margin to be split , so as a contractor I would see a profit to pull on first charge after doing it for cost...
  2. Little Karoo


    Hello All. Bought some more Pigs from a very fit 83 year old today. Smashing guy. Sure he thought we were clueless ! ( We are !) Anyway he said we should be feeding them Fodder Beet. Anyone know where we could buy some. Located South East Many thanks
  3. CPM RSS

    A fresh look at fodder beet

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine Despite popularity among some growers, the true potential of fodder beet is yet to be realised, is the message from an advocate of the crop. Among the many benefits is it’s the highest yielding forage crop, says Pembrokeshire agronomist Lyndon Harris...
  4. P

    What’s stopping me ………

    AHL2 new rate £853/ha DD option £75/ha Plant a mix of 6 seeds but with spring wheat in it. AHL2 rules state you can use fertiliser to make it grow and herbicides to control weeds. Direct drill in March. Apply 150kg N and a pre-em. Run the combine through it in August just taking the heads...
  5. Princess Pooper

    How much does cold weather affect your milk yields?

    As above. We usually drop 8-10%. Housed cows, down to -5 / -10 at night recently.
  6. muleman


    Are things a bit frosty and ready for a thaw? And how are things outside ,be a few pipes frozen!
  7. Ysgythan

    Best tup in your breed

    What the best tup in your chosen breed? Your criteria. Don’t feel you have to even share your reasoning. For Texels I’ll say Muiresk Blondin. Had everything - length, shape, skin, character, size. And he bred true.
  8. Wood field

    Dumb questions

    I am fairly open about my non farming past, I like to think as time goes on experience grows but, I still have what you lifelong farmers may regard as dumb questions.., here’s one to start We used to feed a lot of fodder beet , unfortunately transport costs killed it , however I recall some...
  9. Agriland RSS

    ‘Setting up a farming business for the future’ – Ulster Grassland Society

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The theme set for this year’s Ulster Grassland Society (UGS) conference is ‘Setting up a farming business for the future’. The subject matter discussed at the upcoming event reflects the growing debate on how best to attract new generations of young...
  10. J

    Renting a cattle shed.

    Just wondering what the going rate is for renting a cattle shed. I'd be providing all the fodder and doing the work?
  11. supercow

    Silage replacer

    Losing 100 acres of silage ground to our landlord, flipping our cow grazing acres and a bit more grazing ground into silage ground, keeping them in 365 tho, what silage replacers could I use? I’m thinking fodder beet, crush it on farm and buy cleaned, 7kgs a day would save roughly 300 ton of...
  12. W

    spreading fodder beet with duao spreader

    recently bought a shelbourne dual spreader dairy 2000 , anyone on here ever tried spreading fodder beet for sheep on the fields with one ? thanks
  13. Jasper

    Sheep in the wet

    What do people do with there sheep if housing is not an option ? Lots of fields I’ve seen with sheep in are looking really messed up it must be a nightmare in this weather . If winters keep on getting wetter will people give up keeping them ?
  14. Agriland RSS

    Promising outlook for NI beef and lamb sectors

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland The outlook for Northern Ireland’s beef and lamb sector this year is promising, according to the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC). Reflecting on 2023, the commission’s interim chief executive officer (CEO), Colin Smith, acknowledged that it had...
  15. Agriland RSS

    Agriland fodder survey: Are you running short?

    Written by Agriland Team from Agriland Round bales are now fetching up to €40 in some parts of the country as the pressure on fodder stocks grows for some farmers. Latest indications are that the average price is around €30 but sellers in certain counties have been asking for as much as €45...
  16. Pilatus

    What is regenerative farming?

    I have just put the 4 worded question,above,into the search TFF search box facility ( search titles only) and after browsing quickly through the 7 pages that the search facility comes up with, I can’t see one that directly answers my question. So I ask “What is regenerative farming” and how does...
  17. TexelBen

    Fodder Beet

    Tried a small load of fodder beet last year, got ewes on with eating it and they got a taste but half of it went mushy and mouldy, I think the frost had gotten to it before I bought it (seller stood by me, so no problem) Before I commit to 20 tons, what's best way of keeping/storing it, how...
  18. 1

    Hereford Cattle Wanted

    Hi, As the title suggests, I'm looking for some pedigree Hereford Cattle, preferably Cow and Calf pairs but I would also consider heifers, to start a herd with. Herefords from the Traditional/Original Population bloodlines would be ideal but are hard to find. They would have to be TB4...
  19. Martyn

    Slurry Storage/Volume/requirements

    We technically have 6 months slurry storage, but with weather like this we are about full in 4 months, can’t do a lot about it. Just wondering what do the grazing spring herds do calculation wise, as if cows are out from late Feb until Xmas then their requirements will be considerably less, if...
  20. jackrussell101

    1st Winter Barley or a 2nd Wheat

    Following on from a first wheat, which of the above would generally be a better bet in an average year for yield, disease and economics to grow? Soil type is medium clay loam, fym in the rotation, and crop would be followed by a cover crop then maize. Thanks in advance.